Sentences with phrase «popular during our high school years»

Unfortunately, although hormone changes are known to be popular during our high school years, we will never be able to outgrow them.

Not exact matches

by Ian Pugh The «square pegs» of the title are brainiac Patty (Sarah Jessica Parker, already having settled into a halting conversational style that never left her) and «fat girl» Lauren (Amy Linker), newly - initiated freshmen at Weemawee High School who pledge during the opening narration of each episode that this year, this year, they're going to be popular.
Education requires the cultivation of critique, or critical consciousness, and in my teenage high school years, being intelligent or able to conscript concepts into the service of sustained analysis was not something that earned one a lot of attention with one's peers, and I was culturally shallow enough to want to be part of the popular crowd, so I would often hide my intellectual curiosity about life, mostly during moments of grinding loneliness.
The Fighter has proved very popular in France (where it was first released) as a book to accompany the study of World War II during the first year of High School.
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