Sentences with phrase «popular leader»

The least popular leader of a political party since records began.
The more popular their leader, the more they feel better about themselves.
Putin is an extremely popular leader with 80 % approval ratings so most Russians seem to feel the same way.
And Putin is the country's highly popular leader who is perceived to have worked hard on tackling corruption and clamping down on Islamic terrorism in Dagestan.
Farron stood by Nick Clegg, calling him «a very very popular leader within the party», and commended him for his ability to withstand the amount of pressure and scrutiny he has been subjected to as part of the coalition.
The most disquieting aspect of such religiosity is that it is frequently advanced by popular leaders of the Christian church and is not regarded as a substitute, but as an interpretation of that faith.
Salmond remains the most popular leader in Scotland but there has been considerable decline in his ratings, with his net satisfaction score falling 25 % since last December.
Time and again, pollsters tell us that he is the least popular Leader of the Opposition in history.
But while popular leaders sell books in the millions, the secularism of elites meets little effective challenge.
As a result, when electoral politics enlarged the political community of India by bringing the groups other than the middle class into it, it produced popular leaders more inclined to the unrenewed traditions.
A witness to the trial of Billingham said that «Perceval was an exceedingly popular leader.
Many MPs think a fresh leadership battle could risk a less popular leader replacing Theresa May, and even throw up the prospect of Jeremy Corbyn getting into Downing Street - and wouldn't ever take that risk.
Similarly I have lost count of the times that Labour leaders have nodded sceptically through the arguments that devolution for Scotland and Wales alone was unstable; that a written constitution is needed to restabilize the UK; that House of Lords reform was a century overdue; that the only way for Labour to win was to have genuinely popular leaders and reasonably distinctive policies; and that the party needed a far healthier relationship with its supporters.
Despite a recent dip in satisfaction, Salmond remains the most popular leader of all the parties in Scotland, and indeed the UK.
Responding to polling indicating that the London mayor would be a more popular leader of the party than David Cameron, the Chancellor said: «We want the best team on the pitch.
However, according to Telegraph, Putin seems to be a very popular leader, popularity that might be envied by other important leaders such as Donald Trump or Theresa May:
This weekend's YouGov poll showed him as the least popular leader of any party in modern times.
The immense support bestowed upon him is a notch higher than many other politicians, making him one of the most popular leaders in the world.
Although he defended Clegg as a «decent and honourable man», Huhne warned that the party leader was «the least popular leader of any party in modern times» and suggested unrest among the party faithful could yet make his position untenable.
Turkey's Prime Minister, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, is the nation's most popular leader.
Instead of lord (owner) versus vassal (player), large domain (Los Angeles) versus small domain (Arlington, Texas), superstation (TBS in Atlanta) versus ministation (KSTW in Seattle), baseball could be united for the common good under one strong and popular leader (commissioner).
The popular leaders most of the day in the four - liter prototype Ferrari were Britain's mustached Graham Hill, the new world champion, and Mexico's Pedro Rodriguez, carrying on in racing though his talented brother Ricardo was recently killed.
There are past instances of parties winning elections with the least - popular leader, or without a perceived handle on all things economic, but there's no obvious precedent for a party to win an election when it is behind on both leadership and matters fiscal.
The poll was the second in as many weeks to show that Nicola Sturgeon was by some considerable distance the most popular leader, with an approval rating of +25.
That way, even if all political careers end in failure, at least the end of a popular leader can be postponed for a bit by either appearing indispensable or at least better than the alternatives.
The question is whether the Tories would have won a more decisive mandate in 1979 with a more popular leader.
Today, Mr Salmond, who remains a popular leader with a relatively strong lead in the polls, said: Ten years ago, Scotland changed for the better - and forever.
But the original intent, implemented by Mao's successors, was to prevent another popular leader arising who could commit as many damaging and harmful policies as he had.
«It was a pattern that made mockery of the fabled fault - lines and fissiparous tendencies of the Nigerian federation and projected a nation united behind a popular leader.
The SNP were already established as the largest party in the Scottish Parliament and had a popular leader, and well organised campaign machine.
He is also a popular leader so far and he seems to be getting more popular as people get to know him.
The difference between Miliband and more popular leader was 300,000 votes or 1.5 %.
The optimum depends on the assumptions for the various probabilities, but it could be as low as two or three in stable countries with a popular leader.
After several scenes set in Alexander's early life, we meet him as a grown - up, a popular leader and commander of a massive army.
Education Next polling data from a representative sample in Florida showed the public more supportive than opposed and ready to be led by a popular leader.
Among other things, I hope it will provide me with the ability to stand up against evil should there ever be a time where I'm required to do so (although I actually doubt I'd have the courage to stand up against a popular leader like Hitler or Pol Pot or Saddam Hussein or any of the other maniacs that have inexplicably been able to get others to kill and torture in their names).
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