Sentences with phrase «popular mind»

You can create a mind map on paper, in a drawing app on your tablet, or one of many popular mind mapping software tools, such as XMind, Lifehacker readers» favorite mind mapping software.
She credits her calm, unmedicated childbirth to hypnobirthing, the increasingly popular mind - body technique among parents seeking a natural birthing experience with more patient control and less pain than existing methods.
These words reverberated throughout the Church over the next decades: the Fatima vision became intensely bound up in the popular mind with Russia.
Strangely enough, however, the popular mind still clings to such a geographical notion of the other world.
In the popular mind, these men have been accorded a far greater knowledge of the human condition than they actually had or possessed with accuracy — resulting in immense damage to individuals.
As long ago as 1953 in his study of Heroes, Highbrows and the Popular Mind (Bobbs - Merrill), Leo Gurko discerned «signs of a movement away from [brawn and] egotism,» at least in the movies, to a new type of hero who was aware that the problems of life perhaps could not all be solved by a breezy manner, a gun, or a punch in the nose» (pp. 192 - 193).
For while, to the popular mind, natural selection conveyed a sanctioning of competitiveness and assertiveness in the interest of survival, to the more specialized mind in psychology and sociology and in the study of religion, it revealed the decisive role of environment and the importance of functional adaptation.
The truth can now be seen: Progress is not what the popular mind looks for, finding with exasperation that it never comes.
Further, there is no professional association of providers, no dominant «corporation» and no clear image of the industry in the popular mind.
should attempt to create in the popular mind an equation between nuclear war and hell, and disarmament and heaven.
Education and churchmanship were closely connected in the popular mind.
In the popular mind the miraculous element is chiefly what makes a religion sacred.
It was regarded with great suspicion, particularly when it dared to question established truth, and in the popular mind it could not be clearly distinguished from the practices of the magician, which were rightly frowned upon by the church.
In the popular mind messiahship was associated with the political and military role of the «Son of David.»
Something of a new cult, that has been called «scientism», developed in the popular mind, which reflected how popular opinion had switched its allegiance from Christian orthodoxy to science and technology.
In the popular mind, the Bible has become in many ways a substitute icon for God.
It was the task of St Thomas to make a Christian of Aristotle, not to make a better scientist of him... (He) became to the generations that followed him a model of what a philosopher should be, and research was left to the alchemists, whom the popular mind obstinately associated with magic.
Another factor then enters in: when the guidelines aren't clear, popular beliefs tend to mirror what the popular mind wants.
The setting and the motion were subtly but clearly framed effectively to be putting the Church on trial in the popular mind.
So vivid and obsessing did the expectation of an imminent Messianic age become, and so did the imagination of judgment day with its awards fill the popular mind, that the solution of the problem of life's injustice was seen mainly through apocalyptic hopes.
A marked characteristic of the preaching of the time was its awareness of the popular mind.
Petition and answer should not, of course, be regarded as the sole content of Christian prayer, but in the popular mind this has often been the case, and it is just at this point that secularization has greatly undermined the practice of prayer, and has made the Christian much more cautious about the forms of his petitions and the areas in which they may be regarded as legitimate.
It is, however, clear that the story is now disfigured, not only by would - be «improvers» of the textual tradition but also by an indiscriminate fusion in the popular mind of the Elijah and Elisha images and narratives.
Out of the Egyptian existence of formlessness and void Yahweh had created for Israel a life relatively formed and ordered; certainly in the popular mind this definition of existence continued to be valid and to provide meaning enough for historical consciousness, however strong the opposing judgment from core Yahwism, from prophetic Yahwism.
In Europe itself, the forces of secularization, allied with economic affluence, have made dramatic progress in alienating the popular mind from the Christian origins of Western culture.
Certainly faith is closely associated in the popular mind with such authoritarianism, and Kesey's call for faith could even be understood in this sense.
The plants flourished in the California climate and lost their New Mexican identity in the popular mind, along with much of their heat on the palate.
In a crooked world, the latter ideal group might appear very biased in the popular mind.
Though online video technology has been in use for years, he cited three recent moments — Macaca, Saddam Hussein's hanging and Hillary Clinton's presidential campaign announcement — as examples of web video reaching the tipping point in the popular mind.
Though the two sites are often lumped together in the popular mind, Twitter isn't quite a mass medium in the same way Facebook has become — it's more of a channel to reach the «network influentials,» since it's particularly popular with bloggers, journalists and activists.
The 1971 image of Alan Shepard hammering a golf ball across the moonscape with a six iron during Apollo 14 remains etched in the popular mind as the end of lunar exploration.
In the popular mind, the word Darwinian still often means conflict — fighting over resources — whereas the reality is often adaptation by cooperation.
There is «promising evidence» that the popular mind - body practice of yoga is beneficial in managing and improving the risk factors associated with cardiovascular disease and is a «potentially effective therapy» for cardiovascular health.
These analyses echo the 1896 work of Gustave Le Bon, who published The Crowd: A Study of the Popular Mind.
This has little to do with climate change, although in the popular mind the two fields are frequently confused.
You might actually be falling short of your goal, suggests a new review of studies on the physical benefits of the popular mind - body practice.
The DASH (Dietary Approach to Stop Hypertension) Diet morphed with the Mediterranean Diet, resulting in the popular MIND diet.
But Part 2 examines Robinson's later, less celebrated years, completing a portrait of an eventful life that, in the popular mind, is often confined to the ball field.
In the popular mind, Summit County, Colorado, in the heart of Colorado ski country, might seem worlds apart from the usual challenges many other school districts face — a place where perhaps privileged, ski sweater - clad youngsters gather» round roaring fireplaces to sing John Denver songs.
In the popular mind these might still be small cars, but in historic terms they've grown into midsize machines the new Corolla's wheelbase is more than a foot longer than that of the original 1969 Corolla's and it's a full 26.5 inches longer overall.
While realization is still too far distant for an appraisal of results, his faith must be strong indeed if he is to retain his courage in the presence of distress, not happiness growing out of overproduction, so easily confused in the popular mind with overabundance; hunger in the midst of plenty; populations in poverty because their farms can no longer yield a livelihood and vast areas formerly productive, now appraised as below the level of agricultural classification.
In the popular mind there was a tremendous risk in common stocks.
In disavowing the link between artistic inspiration, heightened creative powers, and the use of alcohol, the poem attests to how firmly the myth was established in the popular mind.
John Currin and Elizabeth Peyton display the sort of easy hand that defines drawing ability in the popular mind.
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