Sentences with phrase «popular understanding»

The Scopes trial proved also to be a historic occasion in the cause of popular understanding of science.
I won't dispute the description of Mill as (ultimately) a social liberal, but it might have been nice to have stressed the extent to which this is a departure from traditional classical liberal readings that rely overly heavily on the Political Economy stuff (and On Liberty), which remain dominant at least in popular understandings of his work.
If you are dealing with popular understandings of terms, not legal ones, then «assault» would be stuff like hitting a person, and «battery» would be beating the tar out of them — scaring a person would be something else.
That hint of strangeness surrounds popular understanding of the rites of the church, including ordination.
Last year, Gehl published research on Dark Web social networking, a phenomenon that defies popular understanding.
Because the public fears that Sunstein describes as irrational express cultural values, expert cost - benefit analysis does not merely insulate the law from factual error, as Sunstein argues; rather, it systematically detaches law from popular understandings of the ideal society.
Liberal Fascism is worth reading as a provocative and frequently instructive romp through modern political history, and as an antidote to stereotypes that have long befuddled popular understandings of what is left and what is right.
The most popular understanding of myth is as a narrative of a purely fictitious character concerning supernatural beings.
Even an explanation of the actual «big bang theory» (not just popular understanding), something truly existing out of nothing (rather than just not knowing yet where it came from), is absolutely awe inspiring.
The range of relevant attributes is considerable, but what surface most readily are traits that have allowed the middle class to escape being poor — and in this discussion popular understandings of work, laziness and financial responsibility are especially apparent.
As a descriptive matter, Arkes rightly notes that «sincere belief» appears to be a touchstone for American popular understanding of religious accommodation.
Steve, This is an very popular understanding of the word repentance, but I don't hold to it because I can not make it fit most of the texts where the word repentance is used.
[2] Rather such practice often masks the extensive human rights abuses committed by the Ugandan army during the war by accentuating only the «local» dynamics of violence and redirects popular understanding of the conflict away from the structural inequalities held up by the Ugandan state and its foreign backers.
Make no mistakes about the official prompt of this paper being the start of the World Cup — this is quite visibly a deliberate political publication, the latest effort by the UK's highest circulation newspaper to shove popular understandings of national identity in its preferred direction.
Addresses the need for a greater popular understanding of scientific issues.
It also works to foster popular understanding of the differences in the existing PD - L1 testing platforms through leadership in the «Blueprint Project.»
But the authors» latest books should advance popular understanding of these complex issues without fueling an irresponsible fad or reckless changes.
Consuelo Castañeda emerged amid the Cuban avant - garde of the 1980s and has played a pivotal role in shifting popular understanding of the relationship between art and politics across Latin America.
Its iconic devices, such as the Apple II, iMac, iPod, iPhone and iPad, have helped shape popular understanding consumer technology.
In contexts where religion and political sovereignty are enmeshed in popular understanding, professing an allegiance to a religious category can evoke a certain form of exclusionary politics — the dichotomy of «us» versus «them».
Beka Economopoulos and Jason Jones are cofounders of Not An Alternative (NAA), a 10 - year - old Brooklyn - based arts collective and nonprofit organization with a mission to affect popular understandings of events, symbols, and history.
Whitehead's insights are only gradually being filtered down for popular understanding and appraisal.
Not An Alternative is a ten - year - old Brooklyn - based arts collective and nonprofit organization with a mission to affect popular understandings of events, symbols, and history.
One popular understanding of the Big Bang suggests that our universe is one in a «multiverse» of infinite parallel universes.
He's since pointed out that the popular understanding of this maxim is generally oversimplified, but that doesn't undermine the essence of the argument — sustained effort over time is a hallmark of greatness.
A: There's a problem in terminology here between technical economic jargon and popular understanding.
Nat died recently at the ripe age of ninety - one, receiving the laudatory obituaries he so richly deserves for his decades of contributions to civil - liberties discourse and the popular understanding of jazz (his personal passion).
Given all of the popular understandings of what a church is supposed to provide in an age of options, a pastor who delights in creating a shared sense of meaning is a pastor worth following.
The idea that the whole thing was dictated, word - for - word, to its human authors, by God, without error or contradiction that it's «infallible» or even «inerrant» in any popular understanding of these words is extremely misleading.
Responses like the ones above are no doubt the result of a popular understanding that Jackson shouldered more of the blame for the incident than Timberlake.
Second, I suggest, the popular understanding of Christianity as it functions in the public arena is now more legalistic than ever.
The danger was the popular understanding that the Messiah would free Israel and usher in the age of peace by Davidic methods, that is, by a victorious military campaign.
Only in the sense that this kind of «common sense» is what all properlyinstructed Catholics have always lived by, so one doesn't expect it to be regarded as any kind of «outbreak») doesn't ask the traditional Catholic question «how far can you go» (How is that «traditional», rather than a perversion of Catholic moral teaching derived from a debased, half - jocular, popular understanding?
Just as the Anglican Lambeth Conference of 1930 undermined a key part of the conceptual framework that made potentially fruitful heterosexual intercourse the only acceptable kind of sex, so the gradual degradation in the popular understanding of marriage makes it very difficult for many people to conceptualise the Catholic argument against gay marriage.
I have avoided the use of this phrase here for two reasons: (I) The popular understandings of this phrase range from perfection on earth, to heaven, to the millenial rule of Christ after the Second Coming, all of which serve to confuse the issue at question here.
I do not assert that these beliefs entered into the official formulations: but they did enter into the popular understanding of the general doctrines of Heaven and Hell.
This means we are often working outside the standard, which doesn't mean we are pushing safe boundaries, but rather, we are ahead of the popular understanding of best standards.
Contrary to popular understanding, outer space is not completely empty (i.e. a perfect vacuum) but contains a low density of particles, predominantly hydrogen gas, as well as electromagnetic radiation.
As it turns out, there are some striking similarities between the popular understanding of introversion and a psychological characteristic called covert narcissism: It's all the entitlement and grandiosity most people associate with narcissism, minus the bluster.
Many contemporary urban legends or «myths» surround our popular understanding of what makes for a good cardiovascular workout.
Contrary to popular understanding, note that none of these goals was 100 percent or anywhere close to it.
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