Sentences with phrase «populated rural regions»

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For this reason, I coach entrepreneurs to pitch wealthy people within a 350 mile radius in densely populated regions; 400 mile radius in more rural regions.
Rice's proposal include creating a 311 line so residents in less - populated regions of the state can get legal help, appointing a deputy attorney general for rural affairs and visiting all 62 counties of the state during her first her in office, if she's elected.
The protection of this unique habitat, which is one of the most resource rich regions in the world and the most densely populated area in rural Africa, is uncertain with recent controversy surrounding oil exploration in the Congolese portion of the park.
I spend part of each year at a friend's house in rural France, in a region that is populated by more cows than people.
Rural areas often struggle to achieve the same educational standards as more densely populated regions.
Between 2006 and 2013, photographer Lucas Foglia travelled throughout rural Idaho, Montana, Nevada, New Mexico, Texas, and Wyoming, some of the least populated regions in the United States.
If you are a practicing attorney in a rural area, or if you are thinking of moving to a region that is sparsely populated, you have an excellent opportunity to become the region's most well - known lawyer — especially if you are one of the only lawyers around.
Counties with the least expensive insurance rates tend to be in the state's most rural, sparsely populated regions, while those counties with the highest rates tend to be the most densely populated in the state.
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