Sentences with phrase «population genomics»

"Population genomics" refers to the study of genetic variations and patterns within a group of individuals from the same species. It involves analyzing the DNA of a population to understand how genes are distributed, how they evolve, and how they relate to certain traits or diseases. It helps scientists gain insights into the genetic diversity and evolution of different populations. Full definition
«I have a research lab and we do community level population genomics of many species, though not humans.
This is one of the first population genomics analyses to use high - coverage whole - genome sequencing in pigs, each individual has been sequenced more than 20-fold depth with the genome coverage of 95 %.
Understanding the coevolutionary dynamics of mutualism with population genomics.
Unlocking the vault: next - generation museum population genomics Bi, K., T. Linderoth, D. Vanderpool, J. M. Good et al. 2013.
This resource will guide future population genomics and genotype — phenotype studies in this classic model system.
Abstract Large - scale population genomic surveys are essential to explore the phenotypic diversity of natural populations.
deCODE genetics, based in Reykjavik, Iceland, is using population genomics to create a new paradigm for healthcare.
FSP leader Olly Berry collaborated with colleagues at the University of Canberra to develop a new R software package «dartR» designed to make it easier for researchers to analyse large population genomic datasets.
Pseudomonas Genome Database: improved comparative analysis and population genomics capability for Pseudomonas genomes.
Alfred's research focus is on malaria population genomics with a particular interest in determining genome - wide signatures of selection for markers of immunity and drug resistance in Plasmodium falciparum.
Analysis of Passenger Pigeon population genomics is completed and the findings released in prepublished format on Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory's biorxiv preprint server.
You should come to work with me if you're interested in the evolution and coevolution of interacting species, and if you're excited to do fieldwork in the desert, execute experiments in the greenhouse, collect and crunch population genomic data, model evolutionary processes with differential equations and computer simulations — or maybe to do several of those things.
Here's the context for the case: I'm an evolutionary ecologist with a pretty solid background in population genomics.
Personal and population genomics of human regulatory variation.
Unlocking the vault: next - generation museum population genomics.
We hope that the easy availability of these large datasets will be useful to many yeast (and non-yeast) researchers, and as the authors say, will help to «guide future population genomics and genotype — phenotype studies in this classic model system.»
de novo assembly and population genomic survey of natural yeast isolates with the Oxford Nanopore MinION sequencer
deCODE genetics is using population genomics to create a new paradigm for healthcare.
Ecological niche modelling of king penguins in the Southern Ocean, validated with population genomics and palaeodemography data, is used to reconstruct past range shifts and identify future vulnerable areas and potential refugia under climate change.
The data from tigers, lions and snow leopards provides a rich and diverse genome resource that could be used in future studies of conservation and population genomics.
«The population genomics data not only supported that genetic variation in FT2 is associated with variation in time of fall bud set, but added an interesting twist in that it indicated an additional function for FT1 in release of winter dormancy,» said Brunner.
A paper on the population genomics of amphibian killing chytrid fungus B. dendrobatidis that culminated several years of work and large collection of researchers was published in PNAS at the beginning of the summer.
Jason spoke on new population genomics work on Candida and Fusarium, while Sawyer presented a poster on Rhizopus stolonifer resequencing and population genomics; Derreck presented a poster on Bacteria - Fungi interactions on Serratia and zygomycete fungi; Nat presented his poster on data from first environmental sequencing of desert biological soil crusts from Joshua Tree National Park.
A population genomics approach shows widespread geographical distribution of cryptic genomic forms of the symbiotic fungus Rhizophagus irregularis — Romain Savary, ISME
In both cases, a combination of population genomics, genome mapping, and functional analyses identified recurrent and idiosyncratic genetic changes underlying the evolution of convergent phenotypes.
The Yoder Lab, part of the Department of Biology at California State University Northridge, studies coevolution and the population genomics of local adaptation, particularly in mutualisms.
We use the full range of tools available to modern biology, from ecological field surveys and experiments to population genomics, mathematical modeling, and computer simulations.
Evolution, ecology, and population genomics — especially species interactions and local adaptation.
Evolutionary questions (WP6) include the addition of uncultured lineages to retrieve a more complete eukaryotic Tree of Life, understanding the evolution of genes and pathways across different lineages, and population genomics in a given lineage or species group.
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