Sentences with phrase «populations at choice»

As discussed above, these variables are used to account for the potential selection bias introduced because of the differences between the populations at choice schools compared to traditional public schools.

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So if the general population is at fault for having no choice but to elect yet another fraudulent and unrepresentative politician to some public office, then at least the prerequisites for running are faulty, the process absent of any oversight, the office free of any accountability, and the whole government essentially run by people who do not respect the law, to put it nicely.
Accordingly, there is some validity to pessimism as one contemplates the real capacity of the human race to do evil and the possibility that mankind may precipitate incalculably tragic evil and suffering by its wrong decisions regarding destructive warfare and the population explosion.53 Given creative becoming as an everlastingly continuous process, Hartshorne declares that there will always be some evil in the world; but the amount of evil will always be at least partially determined by creative choices.
Living in the midst of cattle country (ranchers, feedlots, and packing plants) and in a small town (population 900) has made my choice challenging at times, but I have a clear conscience and a healthy body because of that decision.
The type of learning you're describing, with open classroom discussion, a lot of choice for students, inquiry - based learning, projects, it seems at odds with the kind of call - and - response, very teacher - directed style that you see at a lot of so - called «no excuses» charter schools that produce high test scores with disadvantaged populations.
A key requirement of democracy is equal protection of all stakeholders - i.e., if at some point there is a completely fair vote of 2/3 population preferring the choices advocated and implemented by party A; and 1/3 preferring the choices of party B - then a system must ensure that the minority gets adequate protections and fair treatment; so that while at this moment country gets steered to choice A, the minority doesn't get punished in any way for saying that in their opinion choice B might be best; and if some of the original voters change their mind, the choice B can still be known even if the governing clique that was elected on the idea of A wants to continue with A forever.
What Labour needs is a new social democratic revisionism, that heavily focuses on restructuring the welfare state, to unite communitarian and cosmopolitan voters, in an era of globalization, high inequalities, increased demands for choice, and an ageing population This requires applying the principles of solidarity, reciprocity and individual empowerment, in relation to reforming the welfare state, to make it more effective at tackling poverty and providing economic security, and to satisfy rising demands for choice.
At the end of this selection process — 8 years of mate choice experiments in captivity — the researchers found that males from the two types of populations differed in how fast they could beat their wings.
Dr Allan Debelle, who conducted the study as part of his PhD under the supervision of Dr Rhonda Snook at the University of Sheffield, said these results suggest that mate choice can be an important driver of the evolution of motor performance, «Our research shows that when, at each generation, females are given a choice among several mates performing energetically costly courtship, the motor performance of males in that population can respond to this selection process and progressively improve.»
I love the flavor choices and we are fortunate in being able to find ripe avocados at Safeway every day (large Hispanic population in our neighborhood).
At the end of the lesson, students prepare a culminating report to apply the concepts they've learned to population - growth data of a country of their choice.
The principal question is whether the degree of public school choice at the school district level is associated with racial imbalance between school enrollment and the school - age population of the geographical catchment areas of the district's schools.
The principal question is whether the degree of public school choice at the district level is associated with within district racial imbalance between school enrollment and the school - age population of individual schools» geographical catchment areas.
It's appropriate to think about how we can maybe modernize existing programs, the education programs for military families to transition them into choice - based policies at the end of the day, no matter what population it is, but it's critical for military families who move so much.
At the same time, the online publication EdSource Extra explains how the «income achievement gap» has surpassed the racial achievement gap, bringing to light the urgency of giving quality education choices to these populations.
Rather than having «mainstream» education which reaches perhaps 80 % of the population at arguably shallow levels of knowledge acquisition, I would like see the expansion of «real choices» in education.
At the New Haven school choice fair that the EDST 240 Yale students attended, there was very little printed information leaflets available in languages other than English, despite the fact that 16.8 % of New Haven's population was Hispanic or Latino in 2014 (Census 2014).
«Unfortunately, with an increase in the pet population, decrease in veterinary visits, the economy (though most communities offer low cost vaccine clinics), and some people making conscious choices not to vaccinate at all, we're seeing outbreaks where we had not seen them previously,» Welbourn notes.
But after looking at our population of dogs visiting Holiday Barn, where they come from, their lifestyle and the expectation our customers have we knew it was the right choice.
I suspect that the twin threats of climate change and peak oil, amplified by the population overshoot we are in, will mean that we have just one shot at getting our energy systems right and there is little if any margin of error in making the right choices.
For example, it seems likely that the optimal choice of solar technology would be very different in a sunny country with a highly dispersed population like Australia than in Europe or China where most of the development is taking place at present.
The U.S. Conference of Mayors, representing more than 1,300 cities across the country, noted at its 2012 meeting that «communities that have invested in pedestrian and bicycle projects have benefited from improved quality of life, a healthier population, greater local real estate values, more local travel choices, and reduced air pollution.»
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