Sentences with phrase «portion of one's time»

A large portion of my time in 2013 has been spent browsing through ebook stores and app stores and finding the good books & apps out of the endless lists.
Although demanding of a good portion of any time spent on SEO, a more developed link strategy is one of the most rewarding elements of all optimization activities.
Students will continue to spend a good portion of their time on the internet.
The difference between you and your baby is that you spend a more significant portion of your time in deep sleep while your baby moves back and forth between the two stages.
Remember that most employers only invest a very small portion of their time in screening applicants and your resume should stand out immediately from the employer's first glance.
I also spend a significant portion of my time with my two daughters and husband.
When students at vastly different levels are given the same material, teachers spend a large portion of their time trying to reach struggling students.
Most artists are still working at day jobs that suck up a huge portion of their time and energy.
His responsibilities include setting and implementing investment strategy, with a major portion of his time allocated to municipal portfolio management and credit research.
Currently, sales reps spend a large portion of their time doing everything but selling.
Those of us who spend a significant portion of our time thinking about our environmental impact often dream of magic solutions to cut our carbon footprint drastically.
Especially since a fair portion of the time I spent with him was not precisely fun.
Because fleas spend a considerable portion of their time off the pet, flea control should begin at the ultimate source of the fleas — the outside or yard.
I actually have spent a large portion of my time craving soup lately even though this summer is hotter than ever!
Currently politicians spend a significant portion of their time raising money.
As someone who spends a good portion of time outdoors, I know it can be addicting.
-- Intermittent fasting — Simply put you create a calorie deficit by not eating any food for controlled portions of time.
During the first two or three decades of your life, you spend a good portion of the time acquiring new knowledge.
Remember, you will be sitting for large portions of time too.
One of the best horror films of the decade (I do consider it horror since I sat with my knees to my chest for a long portion of the the time).
Most administrators spend a significant portion of their time addressing school discipline and student behavior.
Online consumer behavior is rapidly changing, and more consumers are connecting through mobile devices and spending a large portion of their time interacting on social media platforms.
As an employee you sell certain portion of your time / effort, not everything that your intellect produces.
What has changed, however, is that people now spend significant portions of their time on and within social networks built around their interests and relationships.
You need to start it about 2 hours before dinner - and are busy a good portion of that time.
Depending on how elaborate you are in supporting and marketing your listings, this can take up a major portion of your time.
However, a fair portion of my time is spent advising clients on how to best handle difficult situations before they turn into serious (and expensive) problems.
If one is releasing in 2019 you'll see a larger portion of time dedicated to it.
During a typical day, a significant portion of my time is spent navigating investment decisions and the allocation of capital.
Rives will have his primary office at the ABA's headquarters in Chicago, but he says he will be spending a significant portion of his time at the association's office in Washington, D.C., where the Governmental Affairs Office coordinates the association's advocacy efforts in Congress.
In this case, the court re-visited the application of the state's bona fide office rule, Supreme Court Rule 12 (d), which provides that a bona fide office is one where the «attorney practices by being there a substantial and scheduled portion of time during ordinary business hours in the traditional work week.
Thereby, these people are atheists a large portion of the time towards things outside of their world.
It's true that children deserve extra care and a good portion of your time daily, but neglecting your partner and relationship can have adverse consequences.
If you stress the body with heavy load and a good portion of time under tension, then give it the materials and hormonal environment it needs, it will respond with hypertrophy.
Surviscor eliminates the research portion of the time to market calculation, saving firms money.
The drawback here is obvious: If a company spends a large portion of time ensuring that they are meeting expectations every three months, they have no opportunity to plan and execute on a strategy that looks out say five or even ten years.
«I do believe that artificial intelligence will enable financial advisors to be much more effective in their interactions so, if you look at the job of a financial advisor, a significant portion of their time goes to understanding their individual customers, what is going on in their lives and what advice they can provide.»
In the first place, the Church to which I belong shall receive the fruit of this labor, so that it may hereafter continue longer, for even if only a brief portion of time remains to me from the duties of my office, yet that, however small it may be, I have determined to devote to this kind of writing.»
For me an actual entity reacts or has secondness to its predecessors in a finite portion of time, and this action is a creation, not a change.
He will be there in the cab or at the desk or in the field to remind the Christian that he is giving the better part of his day to the things of this world and allotting to his religious duties only a trifling portion of his time.
Since arriving, I've spent a good portion of my time reveling in the various fiery foods that are available in this Eastern melting pot of a city.

Phrases with «portion of one's time»

a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z