Sentences with phrase «to pose health risks»

What garbage do you feed to your feed, and what are guarantees that the garbage you feed does not pose any health risks for both pigs and humans?
An example of when an accommodation might be denied could involve an animal with a history of attacking people or which poses a health risk for others.
Protein shakes can offer valuable nutrients and, in certain circumstances, support weight loss, but they could also pose health risks of which many consumers are unaware.
It can require companies to test chemicals thought to pose a health risk only when there is explicit evidence of harm.
Despite that degree of prevalence, protein products pose health risks for teens that can range from mild to severe.
In addition, stray cats and dogs pose health risks to the communities in which they live.
They found that children and adolescents had higher average daily consumption of such foods than adults, potentially posing a health risk.
It is for this reason, choose baby massage oils that are 100 % safe for babies and do not pose any health risk even on accidental ingestion.
Feeding outdoor cats in hot weather can pose a health risk if the food is left out to bake in the sun.
No such wording about «2nd hand smoke posed no health risks» is there, only one about moderation, and the hazards of just about any kind of substance abuse.
Sitting in a car seat for lengthy periods poses health risks.
Early induction can absolutely pose some health risks and developmental problems for baby, stress and anxiety for mom, and a lot of waiting around for baby to finally make their debut.
Every exposure to radiation poses health risks, including programmed cell death, genetic mutations, cancers, leukemia, birth defects, and reproductive, immune and endocrine system disorders.
The waste bed may have to be covered with several feet of clean fill before the structure is built, but studies show the site poses no health risks, she said.
State and federal air monitoring also did not find levels of emissions that would clearly pose a health risk, the company said.
In addition, the methods provide grounds for assessing whether the water pollution poses a health risk or not.
These samples will then be tested by the insurance company to determine whether or not the individual poses any health risks to the insurance carriers.
Is it really worth it to consume rice when the studies haven't been done that show that arsenic in rice does not pose a health risk.
Their findings: Exposure to this noise also poses health risks.
So it is no wonder that Dr Dubey «certainly» recommends that people regularly drink camel milk to maintain good health, although she cautions that unpasteurised «pooled milk» from multiple camels could pose health risks because of unidentified microbes.
Optical imaging methods are rapidly becoming essential tools in biomedical science because they're noninvasive, fast, cost - efficient and pose no health risks since they don't use ionizing radiation.
Also discussed is The Wall Street Journal, Low - Salt Diets May Pose Health Risks, Study Finds Findings Are Latest Challenge to Benefits of Aggressively Low Sodium Targets (if the link doesn't work just Google the title), and this Reuters article, Controversial studies say lowest sodium intake may pose risks.
Again, loaded with triclosan and other chemicals, antiseptic mouthwashes introduce chemicals while posing health risks of their own.
ROCHESTER, N.Y. — Hard - plastic Nalgene water bottles made with bisphenol A will be pulled from stores over the next few months because of growing consumer concern over whether the chemical poses a health risk.
On September 15, 2006, Arata Kochi, the head of the Global Malaria Programme, announced at a news conference in Washington, D.C., that DDT posed no health risk when sprayed in small quantities on the inside walls of houses, and he called for an expansion of its use to combat the mosquito - borne disease.
Soft Cheeses such as Brie pose health risks so hold off on those.
Soft Cheeses such as Brie pose health risks so hold off on those.
That review, launched last year by a 27 - member CASAC review panel, is being closely followed by industry and environmental groups in light of mounting research that fine particulates pose health risks at levels below the current limits.
Some researchers, however, have argued that exposing humans to DDT poses health risks.
Whereas many stores and restaurants rely on bouillon cubes and MSG to flavor their foods and products, Chuck points out that these ingredients offer very little benefit and actually pose some health risks an example of which is how MSG over stimulates glutamate receptors in the brain potentially leading to cell death.
The roundworms of dogs and cats pose a health risk for humans.
Fleas and ticks pose a health risk for the pet, the patient, and the caregivers.
No, No, Nano: Micro Materials Could Pose Health Risks Nanotech Dirty Manufacturing May Cancel Out Eco-Gains
Providing data on levels of environmental chemicals found in the U.S. population so appropriate studies can be conducted to determine whether these levels pose a health risk
Too much magnesium from food does not pose a health risk in healthy individuals because the kidneys eliminate excess amounts in the urine [28].
RISK - FREE: The makers of scanners claim that the amount of energy imposed on the human body poses no health risk to travelers.
Apple claims the camera poses no health risks due to its low output, and is «safe to use under normal usage conditions.»
She also has a right to terminate a pregnancy in the second trimester, although the state may limit that right when the procedure poses a health risk to the mother that is greater than the risk of carrying the fetus to term.
The jury may be out still on whether trace amounts of the popular herbicide glyphosate pose health risks to humans, but industry insiders predict mounting consumer fear about the possibility will pressure more food and beverage manufacturers in 2018 to...
However, excess amounts of these clotting - related molecules may sometimes pose a health risk.
There is currently no overwhelming evidence to indicate that breastfeeding with saline or silicone implants poses a health risk to mother or baby.
While soy based - formula poses no health risks for most babies, it can be allergenic for some.
Gaining too many pregnancy pounds can pose health risks down the road, and they can be tough to shed after the baby is born.
Some experts doubt that BPA poses a health risk at the doses most people are exposed to.
Fetal macrosomia poses health risks for you and your baby — both during pregnancy and after childbirth.
The protest largely reiterated long - standing concerns of project opponents, such as claims that an MTS poses health risks, perpetuates environmental injustice, and brings rats and noise to the neighborhood.
Earlier this year, the governor directed DOH Commissioner Nirav Shah to begin a review of whether fracking poses any health risks, but that review is yet to be released.
Extreme cold Weather Poses Health Risks for All Ages; Stay Indoors if You Can; When Outdoors Dress in Layers (02/11/2015)
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