Sentences with phrase «pose such»

This scenario can be dismissed on the basis that — at the moment — cryptocurrencies do not pose such a risk because they aren't mainstream.
And while Samsung may wield Tizen as the ultimate way away from Android, it's not the only manufacturer that can pose such a threat to Google's mobile ecosystem.
But for many outside this select group developers it still seems unclear why, exactly, big blocks could pose such a grave threat.
A mere belief, however strong, that the acquitted person might pose such a threat is not enough.
A large class of documents or records that pose such demands is those that themselves carry the value of their content.
theme that seems to be developing today, let me pose another such question:
As commercial trucks pose such overwhelming dangers to public safety, there are literally hundreds of laws and regulations in place that are designed to minimize risks.
But at the same time to pose such questions is in itself a political act.
What I am, is very upset that that sane among us, who I believe vastly outnumber the lunatics, have allowed the situation to degenerate to the point that they pose such an existential threat to not only individuals, but to the very fabric of civilization.
The resistance of these systems to being understood through being broken down and studied piece by piece is why they pose such a challenge to a scientific method that is generally based on doing exactly that.
And that you would even pose such a question betrays your own lack of evolution and, sadly, sensitivity.
It is enough of a challenge for even the most adept and dedicated artist at life drawing sessions to hold together the proportions and shadows in a double figure pose such as Bridge, the most compelling composition in the show.
It is here where we can begin to understand why games like Shadow of War, Forza, and all the rest can pose such a problem for the health of this industry.
Unfortunately the exact reason why they pose such a threat is not known.
Read on to discover why cold weather can pose such a problem for pet birds, as well as tips to help you keep your own feathered friend safe, healthy, and comfortable during the icy winter months.
What better confirmation of my assertion that value investors — even the greatest of them all, at 86 years of age — would be wise to pose such a question to themselves!?
Yet isn't it funny that a man feels compelled to pose such a question while he is actually directing a film about women?
These types of questions made be dubbed «superfluous» by some to even pose such a question, but it's almost a universal / fundamental question that all everyone asks themselves (be it publicly or in private).
For example, if I am in a symmetrical pose such as Downward Facing Dog Pose (Adhomukha Shvanasana), why does the pressure in my left hand feel different from the pressure in my right hand?
Alternatively, depending on where the vertebral blockage is located, a different twist pose such as the half twist pose (ardha matsyendrasana) may provide a solution.
Use a lateral pose such as extended side angle or extended side angle variations to continue this work with the extension through the lungs and the side waist.
When practiced with dedication, a deep, seated twisting pose such as Ardha Matsyendrasana can bring you face to face with what's really going on — in your spine, your hips, and even your mind.
After you've completed your second side, take a counter pose such as Prasarita Padottanasana (Wide - Legged Standing Forward Bend), Uttanasana (Standing Forward Bend), or Parsvottanasana (Intense Side Stretch) to allow the spinal muscles to return to neutral before practicing Revolved Triangle Pose.
We are now getting a real sense of how cholera is moving across the globe, and with that information we can inform improved control strategies as well as basic science to better understand how a simple bacterium continues to pose such a threat to human health.»
I am honestly dumbfounded that someone would pose such a ridiculous question as the basis of a ridiculous argument.
I'm shocked that bumper pads are sold so widely (and we pay lots of money for them as part of the entire crib decor package) when they pose such a safety risk.
The stars on the other side of the bracket don't pose such questions.
One simple but important reason that lifers on parole pose such a low risk is their age: even before truth - in - sentencing, virtually no lifers were released until they reached their late 30s.
Here's why these behemoth banks pose such a threat to the safety and soundness of the U.S. banking system.
Unlike many, however, we don't believe rising oil prices pose such a threat to airline profits.
Using the best - selling 737 - 8 as the starting point for a new type of 737 could pose such challenges, but may also be cheaper to make because of economies of scale in busy 737 - 8 production.
While it seems plausible that GOOGL could face more fines in the future, it's hard to imagine regulators posing such a big threat to the company.
Why the issue of homosexuality has posed such a problem for conservative churches relates to their understanding of Scripture.
When we're posed such questions, we know the liturgically correct response, and yet the questions in our souls persist.
It is not the New Age that poses such a threat; in fact, because that is a genuine search going on in new religious movements, it can actually be an asset to we who are willing to share the faith amidst the search.
Reluctant to affirm those features of actual communities that often challenge received notions of liberal autonomy, many American communitarians find it easier to embrace a political ideal of community that poses no such challenge.
Thank you for posing such a deeply thoughtful soul provoking query.
If the people at CNN even bothered to read the bible before posing such a stupid question they would know Jesus didn't involve himself in politics or government.
Yoga poses such as pelvic tilts may also encourage baby to progress into a head - down position needed for birth.
Labour needs to reassure these businesses and the voters who work for them that Labour poses no such threat.
Telvock explains why lead poisoning poses such a threat to young children and why New York's -LSB-...]
Poses such as Hastauttanasana (raised arms pose), Hasta Padasana (hand to foot pose) and Bhujangasana (cobra pose) benefit the stomach muscles and posture.
Sitting poses such as cobbler, hero pose are also beneficial.
As a starting point, creating axial extension with poses such as Adho Mukha Svanasana or Dog Pose on the ropes can help to restore length.
Poses such as Reclining Pigeon and its chair variant, One - legged King Pigeon, Wide - Legged Forward Bend, Standing Forward Fold, and Child's Pose are often taught in prenatal yoga to significantly reduce lower back pain.
I use lavender and chamomile aromatherapy oils, do yoga poses such as legs - up - the - wall pose (viparita karani).
Yoga students with high blood pressure are often cautioned to avoid poses such as Sirsasana (Headstand Pose) and Adho Mukha Vrksasana (Handstand Pose) because these active inversions place the head below the heart.
To be sure, accomplishing yoga poses such as these — along with many, many more extreme ones — can show determination and discipline.
Thus, working with core exercises and yoga poses such as Bird Dog Pose can help to strengthen the dynamic stabilizers of the SI joint.
As well as more difficult poses such as Dancer pose, Full Locust pose, and Standing Head to Knee pose.
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