Sentences with phrase «position of vulnerability»

Slightly smaller than life size, the works depict men and women in different positions of vulnerability.
The insureds» position of vulnerability imposes on the insurer duties of good faith and fair dealing, equitable consideration of insurer and insured interests, and disclosure of material information and settlement negotiations.
So, what was the really awful thing that placed my father out of God's protection and put him in a position of vulnerability where Satan could smite him with a brain tumor?
After all, without a deceptively bland demeanor, serial killers would have difficulty attracting their victims, let alone having the skill to place those victims in a position of vulnerability.
By using the 2nd Friday of the month as their delivery target Nelnet is forcing student borrowers into a position of vulnerability to late payments.
It brings the notion of Fragile State onto the viewer's body and mind, placing them in a position of vulnerability while concentrating on a central notion in Abramovic's work: «nothingness».
It is a good day to remind you to buy Fair Trade, products, and help marginalised producers and workers move from a position of vulnerability to security and economic self - sufficiency.
Whatever type of legal help or advice consumers are seeking, they are coming from a position of vulnerability and uncertainty.
It is the opportunity that helps «level the playing field» in the detainee's «position of vulnerability».
Criminal charges put the accused in a position of vulnerability, and in most cases the person charged has little choice but to put trust in defense counsel's diligence and loyalty.
If you are in this position of vulnerability, think clearly, and act professionally.
«In contrast to individual psychotherapy, the dyadic condition also inherently places the parent in a position of vulnerability, in part because they are «under the spotlight» as a parent but also because, with the child present, the parent can not dismiss attachment - related issues as readily.»
When we are in a position of vulnerability and our partner is not emotionally there to meet our needs for care and comfort, we may experience intense feelings of abandonment and rejection.
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