Sentences with phrase «position someone have taken»

The duty to mitigate is a duty to take all of the steps a reasonable person in the dismissed employee's position would take in his or her own interests.
Making the council speaker a publicly elected position would take the power away from the party bosses who currently control the process, he said.
I've come to the conclusion that the paper acts as an excellent carrot, which when combined with the terrible example of Mann's floundering to defend the indefensible (as the stick) may tempt some people to row back from some silly alarmist positions they've taken on global warming.
Until you do, we will exercise our right to point out how horribly an inhuman position you have taken.
The Repubs could take it back from them by shedding some of the more extreme positions they have taken on in order to build their base, We are getting tired of the battle between extremists and will reward moderation with votes.
Two teams with still a lot to play for, and are both in a finishing position they'd take in 2 games time -LSB-...]
«I am sure His Excellency President Buhari will be absolutely enthused if he were to find himself, not only crystalizing the policy position we have taken so far but also coming here himself to come and open a facility as big as this before the end of his first term.
Anyone with an Under Armour position would take a keen interest in buying or selling the stock based off of the expected earnings numbers.
«My previous positions have taken me across the United States and back, and I am honored to continue working with Hyatt Hotels and Resorts on one of the best islands in the world at a leading Hyatt resort.»
As I've arrived at this conclusion, I've also realized that I'm most interested in getting the law right — regardless of whether doing so helps or hurts any particular position I've taken in a case.
Examples to use in this section could include books you've read around the subject, seminars you've attended, or any volunteer or work experience positions you've taken to help build the foundations for your career.
So, as you mull over the somewhat controversial position I have taken, think of things this way: Do you Walmart or Apple?
The duty to «act reasonably», in seeking and accepting alternate employment, can not be a duty to take such steps as will reduce the claim against the defaulting former employer, but must be a duty to take such steps as a reasonable person in the dismissed employee's position would take in his own interests — to maintain his income and his position in his industry, trade or profession.
Emails from Iksil to superiors that were later made public in conjunction with the Senate report show he tried to exit the positions he had taken once he realized he was being squeezed by traders taking the opposing positions in the small, illiquid market.
The most likely form that such a position would take is that the chairman has borrowed heavily and has used the shares as collateral.
Over the past few days, there have been any number of politicians, pundits and pollsters who have scolded the Conservative government for the position it has taken in Copenhagen.
Jesus is engaging them with a contemporary, theological term that, as David notes in his post, would jar them into considering the position they have taken on how to free Israel from Roman occupation (this was the pre-imminent desire of the Pharisees).
I want you to be familiar enough to defend the position you've taken against it.
The positions he has taken with candor and defended with clarity do not bind the conscience of the reader, but they do challenge the reader to make his own equally clear and equally dedicated responses.
In this regard, he has not moved far from the position he had taken in Sanctorum Communio.
Jeremy, I can not tell whether you are sincerely confused or if you are disingenously trying to avoid defending the position you have taken.
The position I would take on what you have written is yes, what a woman can say can be explosive.
In 1969, with the publication of his book The Feast of Fools (Harper & Row), he repudiated the position he had taken four years earlier in The Secular City (Macmillan, 1965).
Face it neither of us have access to the data to definitively prove either position we have taken.
Despite the controversy that has followed Trump throughout his campaign and Rodriguez's own disagreements with him on immigration, Rodriguez is committed to engaging with his presidency — a position he would take with almost any politician.
I haven't read them all, but the ones I have read have been helpful because they've confirmed most of the positions I've taken on the same key verses for the book I'm working on.
Marcelo was unlucky to see the rebound parry just wide of the position he had taken up else he could have turned it into an empty net.
The lawmaker commended Mayor Bill de Blasio and Gov. Andrew Cuomo for the positions they have taken in the aftermath of Trump's victory, insisting that the city and the state remain committed to protecting all residents but also indicating that they may be able to find common ground with Trump on some issues.
«This governor and the mayor of New York City have taken political jabs at each other and at the same time, even on an issue like this, neither has shown the willingness to put muscle behind the positions they have taken,» Martin said.
Richard Ali, Chief Executive of BASC said: «BASC hopes that Ms McCarthy, despite the positions she has taken in the past, will approach her new post of the basis of evidence based policy and the principles of better regulation introduced by the last Labour government.
Labour's willingness to take decisions based on the right priorities has already been demonstrated in the position we've taken on public sector pay.
«While of course there have been some differences in the positions we've taken over the Syrian conflict, we both want to see an end to that conflict and a stable Syria and we'll continue to discuss with our foreign ministers how can take this agenda forward,» Cameron said after the meeting in Downing Street.
«I felt that the position would take me away from where I could make the greatest contribution: the police work and operations that I love so much,» he said that month, after Police Commissioner Bill Bratton urged him not to quit.
Benny Toribio posted a video Tuesday from the «Trump Fan Network» calling Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton a liar because of the positions she has taken on various issues over the years.
«If Gov. Christie came to me tomorrow and said, «John I'm troubled by a position you have taken on public policy or the way in which you are chairing the board,» I would consider his request to resign,» said Degnan.
In fact, the Daily News reports that he had recently asked the FBI if his stepping down from his position would take the heat off.
But Gage insisted the government never proved a legally required «quid pro quo» — that Skelos took any position different from the positions he had taken in the past.
At a Tuesday press conference, Adams reiterated a position he'd taken earlier this month during a symposium he hosted on the technology: that guns haven't changed since the 1980's, despite technological leaps in many other fields.
I found myself moving away from the position I'd taken 30 years ago, which has become the standard theory.
But then, the New York Post comes along and validates and reports a position I have taken from DAY ONE — interracial dating isn't about exclusion, but inclusion; and choose character above color — and now it seems previous outlets who viewed me as hell's handmaiden for white supremacy are beginning to soften their position.
Some have suggested that we rescind his invitation to speak because of some of the positions he has taken as a legislator, though this group notes that they applaud other policies Senator Johnston has championed.
It would be my greatest wish in the reception [of the work] if people would also not be too sure that the position they've taken.
And nowadays in all likelihood I wouldn't be that popular with many of my former associates given the positions I have taken on global warming.
Years may pass before the dispute reaches trial, and when it does, the court may not agree with the position they have taken.
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