Sentences with phrase «positive act»

So back to the 7 positive acts listed as «practice of law».
It is expressed both in moral dullness to the love commandment of God and in positive acts of rebellion against God and injury to one's fellow men.
Emmons claims that such highly advanced forms of gratitude may actually increase the level of goodness in the world by inspiring positive acts in ourselves and others.
form of government, and emboldened by the wide diffusion of a false conception of tolerance, has committed itself in authoritative declarations and by positive acts to a policy plainly subversive of religious liberty as guaranteed by the Constitution.
«We will stand together strong, shoulder to shoulder, with positive acts of kindness.»
His unlimited praising of Wenger for the slightest positive act he does and the lack of insight when judging other managers is just shambolic for other gooners.
Shirazeh Houshiary, Lisson Gallery, London By Sue Hubbard Wednesday, 25 June 2008 In his rather gnomic text From the Book to the Book, the French mystic philosopher poet Edmond Jabès wrote: «Writing... is an act of silence directed against silence, the first positive act of death against death.»
An apparently positive act can have negative consequences.
Section 226 of the NTA defines «acts that affect native title» to include not only positive acts such as the making of legislation or granting of a licence, but the «creation, variation, extension, renewal or extinguishment of any interest in relation to land or waters».
Unfortunately narrative theology has been frequently presented as a sense of relief at being delivered from Enlightenment modes of historicity, without attention to the dynamic, positive act of reconstitution.
While the markets had reacted to the initial announcement in May, when the time came in December to implement the tapering, it was seen as a positive act and a sign that the economy was recovering well.
As she explains: «Vocation is always a positive act of love, not a refraining - from - action.
But he says that this is not to be feared, as both may be achieved through the positive acts of daily living.
As L. Thunberg notes: «As a whole the terms taksis or thesis thus confirm Maximus» belief in creation as a result of a positive act of God, including as its purpose unity without violation [of the individual person]».
Christianity believes people have free will, the ability to do negative or positive acts.
Mr. Jubrin will be doing a positive act of «good citizenship» by revealing how exactly is the House profiting from its investigation hearing and oversight functions; and disclosing the House's internal budget.
The very act of building is a positive act, creating space where there was once none, a premise that speaks to the possible future of equality.
Exhibition curator Ulrich Loock suggests that the artist is the executioner, playing on the idea that he, after all, is the one who executes the work, and that painting itself is a kind of disruption and mutilation, a negative as much as it is a positive act.
According to the Court, the fact that Swedish legislation does not prevent this practice, results in an infringement of article 34 TFEU because this «failure by a Member State to adopt adequate measures to prevent barriers to the free movement of goods that have been created, in particular, through the actions of traders but made possible by specific legislation that that State has introduced, is just as likely to obstruct intra-Community trade as is a positive act» (para 74).
«Incite» refers to a positive act, urging or encouragement by the accused for the complainant to touch for a sexual purpose.
The Court found Williams had caused the harm, not the police, so the issue was based on omission rather than a positive act.
Lord Mance and Lord Hughes agreed with the majority that the present case concerned a positive act, not an omission, and that the finding of the trial judge on negligence should be restored.
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