Sentences with phrase «positive competition»

But here, she shares her thoughts on positive competition and what she's doing to build resilience and help buffer her kids from -LCB- negative -RCB- competition.
In a time where our country is suffering from a concerning health epidemic that is affecting our children, making sure the students are having fun, being challenged, and finding enjoyment in positive competition is the next step towards creating a sustainable physical fitness foundation for today's youth.
The issue here is that you're supposed to copy and improve upon that foundation so that your competition sees how you improved their formula and then improves their own; this breeds positive competition.
Modernizing Ontario's fair wage policy would create the level playing field and positive competition between contractors we need to ensure our public assets are built in keeping with the values we share, including decent labour standards.
The move to create greater «positive competition» among providers (doctors and hospitals) involves governments allocating more money to those caregivers and organizations that provide the most health - care value to their citizens.
Besides developing motor skills, this toy also has a purpose to make children learn what the challenge in life and healthy, positive competition is.
If you manage to set up «positive competition», supported by good technology, best practice and counselling, it will surely help you to reach your learning goals.
It's a positive competition that would be nice if more people embraced.
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