Sentences with phrase «positive conversations»

As internet access becomes part of your child's daily life learn about how you can have positive conversations about their internet use.
This is a chance for our officers to have a break from regular calls for service, while encouraging positive conversations and interactions with our citizens.
There are lots of ups and downs, lots of positive conversations, and there are also people that will turn you down.
I love this statement and think the format creates a setting for positive conversations.
One is an amazingly positive conversation around the value of representation and allowing players of all different identities to find themselves in creative media.
On the contrary, I heard that there were many positive conversations!
These details might serve as positive conversation starters when I meet someone in person.
I've lost track of how many wonderfully positive conversations I've had with parents about my curriculum or assignments.
I use scientifically proven strategies that work and provide the framework for positive conversations.
«Tim had a very positive conversation with Mr. Icahn today.»
ISSA provides a wealth of resources and specialized training for groups to take the first steps toward engaging in positive conversations about diversity, social justice, inclusion and equity.
Discourage rumors and encourage positive conversation among employees.
Positive conversations between the player's agent and the bianconeri in the last hours have taken place the decision is by now made.
There's talk about the development and evolution of the club under Jürgen Klopp and some realistically positive conversation about the things that might yet be achieved this season.
The second edition of the «Y - Dialogues Vote on Issues» Campaign held in Kumasi ended with a general consensus by the teeming youth present to generate positive conversations on social media concerning the elections.
In Buffalo Tuesday, Cuomo said positive conversations with the companies are ongoing.
Currently, I've been inspired by a local cause, The Butterfly Project, using art to create connections and inspire positive conversation about the past to build a better future.
Relationship - building home visits, scheduled in advance, allow us to meet with families in a non-academic setting to have authentic, positive conversations during which we get to know one another as people.»
I love tiny homes because they are provoking positive conversations with zoning boards and housing authorities, helping us to reexamine our neighborhood priorities.
Encouragingly, positive conversations within and outside various social, government and political channels have led us here, and there's no place we'd rather be.
Dr. Gottman and Brooks agree that when you interact with others beginning from a place of gratitude, it lowers their defenses, makes them more willing to work together, and generally have a more positive conversation.
However, in casual dating scenarios that involve persons who are not extraordinarily attractive by the standards of society it appears that sustained positive conversations must continue into the foreseeable future in order for perceptions of attractiveness to increase.
After listening to our members» concerns for the need to educate key state MIECHV decision makers on the need to include EHS - HV as a chosen MIECHV model in their state, NHSA developed marketing material that members could use to help facilitate positive conversations with stakeholders.
You'll learn techniques for effective communication and conflict resolution so that you can have positive conversations rather than rehashing old hurts and arguments.
If you have gripes with your current or previous employer, keep them to yourself or express them in a way that promotes positive conversation (i.g. «I felt like he / she didn't have my best interest in mind, then transition into talking about your career goals).
Irwin Mitchell are using Mental Health Awareness Week to ensure colleagues are aware of how to access free and confidential support through their specialist helpline provider, which is available 365 days per year, free face - to - face counselling sessions and will be encouraging positive conversations about emotional well - being.
I'd written a letter, backed by research, about mothers who had successfully breastfed when taking a similar drug, and by notes from a very positive conversation I'd had with the local hospital pharmacist.
Let's take health and wellbeing which is what we're talking about now at the moment, and I've seen a lot of people use this topic as a way they open up a dialogue very early about student health and wellbeing and then, student health and wellbeing and the school as well as parent health and wellbeing, they have positive conversations with people very early on and it's about something obviously we all care about.
But if folks are upset at the notion of sexual fluidity, then we should have a constructive, sex - positive conversation about specifically how it is damaging (if it is at all) and then how to fix it.
Like everyone involved in congregational life, I have memories of less - than - positive conversations and encounters at church.
This blog is a limited public forum for discussion and, as host, it is my job to help make it a positive conversation.
What about a positive conversation?
Here are five phrases suggested by parent educators that parents can try using to have a positive conversation with teenagers.
Stand your ground and engage your imagination in a positive conversation using some of these helpful what - if questions.
I wanted to foster a week of conscious body - positive conversation, so I challenged everyone to wear a wiggle dress every day for a week, post their photos on Insta / Facebook with the hashtag #WiggleWeek, and show our bodies and each other some love!
When people are having a positive conversation and someone chooses to bring up the negative, even though it will never help anyone it makes me wonder.
In a matter of seconds, that one message blots out all the positive conversations you've just had.
You will be rewarded with an increased likelihood of a positive conversation.
Engage another student in a positive conversation or move across the room to answer a question and only check back once the dust has settled.
«We've already had some positive conversations with administrators about concerns teachers have around teacher evaluation and testing, and we look forward to further discussions on those issues,» Borofsky said.
In the meantime, if you feel you can have a positive conversation with your current co - workers / practice leaders, let them know how you would like to grow.
It transforms your interview into a positive conversation about what life will look like with you on the job.
So picture yourself having an enjoyable, positive conversation with your interviewer before you start.
Furthermore, the ability to rebound from conflict to the positive conversation became a marker of emotion regulation ability of couples.
Furthermore, the ability to rebound from conflict to the positive conversation became a marker of emotion - regulation ability of couples.
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