Sentences with phrase «positive criticism»

With that right students have the responsibility to be polite and respectful to their instructors at all times, and be willing to accept positive criticism to help them achieve driving success.
A true supporter should offer positive criticism aimed at helping the team and not aimed at affecting the team negatively.
They learn to receive and give positive criticism and to recognize its value in the development of ideas and relationships.
Peer reviews not only help the students practice positive criticism and analysis, but it also saves you, the teacher, a lot of work.
last season he scored 22 out of 46 games (AS A STRIKER AT REAL) he's equal to Giroud... Some fans here believes that being a true fan means pointing out the positives and ignoring the negatives that costs us titles... as long as i fancy arsenal - and that i will do for life -, thumb me down but i will call a spade a spade and put a corrective positive criticism where necessary..
And now that I have had the release for a while I am eager to share my opinion on a game that did nt get all that much positive criticism when it first released on the Xbox One, so how does the game run on a PC?
... The fact that majority of the fans are one sided only shows that the club isn't complete because true fans except positive criticism which in turn enables the club to grow in the right direction... After all players or managers come and go but fans remain there until death
The first exhibition failed to draw positive criticism, driving the artist to give up painting in 1921, but the second exhibition received strong support from critics, including Henry McBride of The New York Sun, who, admitting his own delay in recognizing Eilshemius» talent, wrote «Suddenly, like another St. Paul, I see a great light and the scales drop from my eyes.
Unfortunately, many of their works were not met with positive criticism, a circumstance that strained their artistic relationship a bit.
Passionate, warm hearted, meet challenges positively as they come, calm, love nature and enjoy outdoor activities, accept positive criticism as a lifelong learner
«Rather, Marx's and Bonhoeffer's critiques of religion are examined objectively, and the possibility of undergirding the positive criticisms of Marx with a sound theology is explored.
The possibility of undergirding the positive criticisms of Marx with a sound theology is explored by Bishop Paulose.
admin should seriously take into account my positive criticism or maybe not ill be sad tho
In as much as its positive criticism then its all good.
Most of the criticism from Arsenal fans were fare criticism and positive criticism.
Everyone is scared of saying even a positive criticism because he was a # 42 Million buy.
someone that will not divide the foundation of the club which is the fans and someone who is open to change and positive criticism
I agree with the likes of money talk and rkw and plenty more fans that believe Wenger deserves all the positive criticism he gets.He has two seasons to prove himself before he bows out and believe me when I say most will request for change when them two seasons finish and Arsenal still has not challenged.
My pro-homeopathy and herbs, anti-vaccine, baby - led parenting was viewed as the worst and most dangerous style imaginable and there was no end to the stream of «positive criticism» that was offered up, to show me the error of my ways... despite the fact that I was extremely well - informed on all the non-conventional choices I was making and had my daughter's best interests in mind.
I am incredibly grateful to my many mentors who provided so much encouragement, positive criticism and support.
It also allows the separate studios more time to react to negative / positive criticism, something which Ghosts suffered from as the many praised changes made in Black Ops II were never felt, leaving Ghosts to feel like a step backwards.
Try some positive criticism rather than ad hominem attacks.
But positive criticism is actually cheerleading.
We will work with you hand in hand until we get to that ideal resume that satisfies not only you but also our positive criticism expert.
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