Sentences with phrase «positive effect on someone»

Across studies, teacher professional development in mathematics showed significant positive effects on student learning.
Such prevention would have significant positive effects on children's health and well - being.
Out of all cooking oils, research showed that extra virgin olive oil has a greater positive effect on blood pressure.
«Perhaps books matter because they encourage children to read more and reading can have positive effects on school performance,» researchers said.
The study urges education leaders to make their professional - development decisions based on initiatives showing evidence of positive effects on student achievement.
Previous studies on blueberries have shown positive effects on cardiovascular risk factors including blood pressure, but they all included large amounts of blueberry powder consumption, anywhere from 50 grams to 250 grams.
On the other hand, a good relationship is worth creating and working on because it can have other many positive effects on your health and well - being.
Yoga has a lot of positive effects on people with asthma.
It has powerful and amazingly positive effects on how you eat — and massage is a great way to boost your body love.
The results suggest that in the short - term, corrections - based parenting programs are associated with positive effects on parenting behavior, parenting attitudes, and parenting knowledge.
Studies have found that spending time in green spaces helps people to relax, and it has an immediate impact on happiness and a long term positive effect on moods too.
After - school opportunities have positive effects on academic success, social behavior, and provide opportunities for enrichment for at - risk students.
Animal companions have a proven positive effect on mental health and can be a way to reduce symptoms of anxiety.
It supports fat loss, helps to develop muscle and bone mass and it has several positive effects on brain function, immune system and heart.
This includes significant positive effects on bone health and the overall physical condition of patients.
These data also reveal the significant challenges faced by schools in retaining teachers who have large positive effects on student achievement.
All eighteen of the studies reported positive effects on teacher leader knowledge and skills based on participation in a preparation program.
We find smaller positive effects on 8th - grade math achievement.
Because in my experience, switching from a single spending account to two separate spending accounts with different purposes had an immediate positive effect on my family's finances.
They found that retention in third grade had large positive effects on reading and math achievement in the short run.
This programme has continually demonstrated long term positive effects on children's behaviour.
Positive effects on other psychosocial domains were shown for women with low socioeconomic status who were unmarried.
Studies done in the 1930's and 1940's give good indications that IF has positive effects on life expectancy and these studies seem to have been confirmed in more recent studies.
While we have some excellent charter schools that have demonstrated positive effects on student learning those lessons aren't required to be shared with public schools.
ERA's report provides important evidence that when well executed, these two strategies can have strong positive effects on student outcomes.
Those who formally practice mindfulness on a regular basis report positive effects on their minds and bodies.
The problem is however that there are so many supplements out there that claim to have positive effects on weight loss and fat burning that its difficult to know where to start.
The results have suggested that being physically active produces positive effects on many cognitive functions, such as memory, attention, information processing and problem solving.
It also has positive effects on body composition — producing body fat loss at a dose of 3.2 grams / day [3].
He concluded that the acid had a very positive effect on humans, by strengthening our immune systems and serving as a healing aid.
The review found a net positive effect on student achievement — that's encouraging — but the researchers could not identify common characteristics from such a small and varied sample.
It continues to provide evidence that preschool can have long - lasting positive effects on people's lives.
Finally, earlier evaluations of these programs found neutral to positive effects on test scores.
The largest positive effect on self - esteem came from a five - minute dose, they concluded.
Further extension of the Help to Buy scheme is likely to have the biggest positive effect on younger buyers.
In fact, it is hard to think of any one thing that would have a faster and more positive effect on so many people in the world's poorest countries.
The anti-inflammatory effects of omega - 3 may be beneficial in managing the loss of lean body mass while also having positive effects on heart rate, blood pressure, and immune function.
Similarly, they found higher than average rainfall in areas that typically experience lower annual rainfall saw positive effects on wood frog population growth.
The trial indicated positive effects on two out of five language outcomes.
-- Early research shows that creatine can have positive effects on patients diagnosed with depression.
Some recent studies have shown that whey protein has direct positive effects on performance and muscle mass.
The challenge, now, is for humans to have significant and positive effect on global warming.
Parental engagement with children's learning — when understood this way — can have positive effects on behaviour, attendance, engagement with learning and ultimately with children's academic outcomes.
Just short of half (49 %) of respondents say unions have a generally positive effect on schools.
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