Sentences with phrase «positive effects of»

(C5 % - P15 - 20 % - F75 % -80 %) The positive effects of a ketogenic diet are seen after several months on the diet and not a few days.
«Our study shows the positive effects of exercise, because the epigenetic pattern of genes that affect fat storage in the body changes», says Charlotte Ling, Associate Professor at Lund University Diabetes Center.
Because of the effective use of the ketogenic diet in reducing seizures (see above), it has been suggested that it may also improve the clinical status in brain injury, especially by reducing the incidence of long - term consequences, such as epilepsy.79 Positive effects of a ketogenic diet have also been reported in reducing the cortical contusion volume in an age - dependent manner in an animal model of cortical injury, which is related to the maturation - dependent variability in brain ketone metabolism.92 These findings were also supported by the demonstration that a ketogenic diet reduced post-traumatic cognitive and motor function impairment, at least in a rat model.93
Second, review the health benefits of small weight losses with patients, emphasizing the positive effects of reduced weight and exercise on OA - symptoms such as pain.
Positive effects of dairy on cardiovascular health, type II diabetes, and some cancers have been noted; however, there has been some evidence of an increased risk of prostate cancer [16][17][18].
Unlike so many encouraging studies that don't pan out, the positive effects of RS keep showing up in new research, almost on a daily basis.
Finally, although we only have preliminary evidence of the positive effects of VLCKD in PCOS, 77 there are clear mechanisms that are consistent with the physiological plausibility of such dietary therapy.
Nowadays there also seem to be positive effects of phytic acid: it inhibits temporarily the enzyme amylase and therefore the conversion of starch to sugar and the rise of the blood glucose level can be significantly suppressed.
Through our commitment to quality and our carefully chosen delivery methods of salves, tonics and vape cartridges, our products empower our clientele to harness the positive effects of herbs, like cannabis, in a more conscious and controlled way.
But be sure to avoid a diet consisting heavily on dairy, sugar and soy, as they will skyrocket your inflammation and negate any positive effects of turmeric.
The positive effects of this diet in a number of children and adults are likely linked to the recent discovery that some individuals with autism are sensitive to common food proteins such as those found in wheat and milk.
She has seen the positive effects of eating right, moving the body with intention and regularity, and finding stillness in the hustle of life's daily craze.
The positive effects of taking creatine supplements are well known.
The CrazyBulk company has invested a lot of money and time to create formulations that have no compounds to give side effects, while taking advantage of all the positive effects of other steroids.
Would soy milk also negate positive effects of other foods / drinks, like muesli, porridge, smoothies etc..?
However, two Dutch studies on subjects aged 24 - 81 years also found positive effects of caffeine on cognition, mainly reaction time and verbal memory, but no age - related differences11, 12.
Innate production and regulation of cholesterol levels is the logical approach and the positive effects of this strategy have been documented for many decades.
However, I have also been reading a lot about the positive effects of black cumin seed (Nigella Sativa) on inflammation and also on diabetes in particular (using 2 grams a day).
It is like all the positive effects of the DecaDurobolin without any side effects.
However, it's not just the ellagic acid the pomegranate contains that is important when discussing the positive effects of this fantastic fruit for cancer treatment and the prevention of cancer.
The authors suggested that whilst the positive effects of caffeine supplementation on sustained high - intensity exercise performance are well accepted, the mechanisms to explain that response remain unresolved9.
Christine is also completing her Pre - and Post-Natal certification process in Nutrition and Fitness and spent a year and a half studying the positive effects of yoga on the mind and body.
Stretching exercises and physiotherapy also hasten the positive effects of Homeopathic medicines and help the condition to heal faster.
In recent years there has been a lot of rumors that the positive effects of milk are counteracted by the estrogen contained within it.
Everyone has told me about the positive effects of infrared saunas and sweating in general.
When we can't recover (aka: sleep and take rest days so that our muscles can rebuild), we miss out on the positive effects of exercise.
Thus, despite all the awesomeness and positive effects of intermittent fasting, you still need to manage the Big Four.
I do wonder if this TMG thing is legit, or just people on the net raving about the positive effects of TMG for whatever reason.
Mr. Cole responded to Mr. Broad's article by pointing out that, in fact, it was B.K.S. Iyengar who had instituted the use of blankets under the shoulders to prevent injury and enhance the positive effects of shoulder stand, and Mr. McCall has since stated that he was speaking only of his own experience with headstand and had not intended it as a proscription against the pose at all.
It also increases levels of IGFBP - 3, which help potentiate the positive effects of IGF - 1 in terms of muscle growth.
There are numerous positive effects of using exogenous ketones like avoiding keto flu, improving athletic performance, cognitive benefits, improved focus, speeding up ketosis.
Our advocacy is to promote the positive effects of meditation, yoga and inner wellness.
What about the «paleo - diet», meaning the apparent fact that all grain and grain based foods are bad for humans because we can't properly digest them and they cause intestinal damage, with the apparent evidence being the negative effects of the agricultural revolution on humans, as well as the positive effects of cutting out grains from the diet for many people?
Data suggesting positive effects of a ketogenic diet itself on inflammation or associated inflammatory processes have been accumulating recently.
If you do, you certainly know the positive effects of weight loss.
Scientists have studied and shown the positive effects of CaHMB on increasing strength, lean mass, and decreasing muscle damage and improving recovery after rigorous exercise for decades.
So, though I'm mindful that I've got a starting line to get ready for in a little over two months, which means just one more month of big training because we taper, I've got to be mindful of not just miles, minutes, and workout goals, I've got to be sure I'm factoring in the total stress load - which is the allostatic load — and if that scale is tipped too far for too long I could wipe out positive effects of training.
The deleterious effects of a Paleolithic diet appear to undermine the positive effects of a Crossfit - based high - intensity circuit training exercise program.
In general, the potential for positive effects of long term CR use may be outweighed by negative side effects.
The positive effects of having good microorganisms in the gut help fight obesity tendencies in our body by lowering the number of calories one absorbs from food, reduce inflammation and fat storage, maintains a healthy appetite, and thus effectively control the tendency to put on weight.
It is possible that the observed positive effects of DHA / EPA supplementation may arise from improvements to the large number of sufferers of chronic inflammation, especially those who follow a pro-inflammatory diet.
I agree, I think it would be a great idea to make a clarification video as the other flax seed related videos only speak to the positive effects of lignan consumption.
I've raved so much about the positive effects of Activation Products to MINNIE FRAZIER of, Detroit, MI., that she plans to order at least 4 btls.
Furthermore, some of the positive effects of intermittent fasting on glucose homeostasis may be mediated by the nervous system, mainly by the increased production of brain - derived neurotrophic factor, which increases the resistance of neurones to dysfunction and degeneration in animal models [3].
When one of his kitchen buddies saw the positive effects of yoga on Rice's body, he asked Rice to show him a few moves.
Modern science has validated the positive effects of acupuncture, specifically acupuncture's ability to stimulate local blood and oxygen flow and its ability to release chemicals in the body that can have a positive effect on pain and mood.
In the mouse model of MS, experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis (EAE), positive effects of modified fasting and ketogenic nutrition on disease onset and clinical course in animals have been observed in several studies.
My question to Dr. Greger would be: How can the putative positive effects of nut consumption be reconciled with the knowledge that nuts are likely to be contamined with mycotoxins (even if they can not be always seen with the naked eye).
The link posted lists the positive effects of whey on promoting insulin release and inhibiting increases in postprandial blood glucose increase after a CHO containing meal and thereby decreasing development of T2DM.
D - Bal Max is a bulking phase supplement that delivers all the positive effects of steroids, while keeping the negatives at bay.
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