Sentences with phrase «positive feedback signal»

On theoretical grounds, a good candidate molecule would be p70S6K, because, in aggregate, the recently published findings suggest that there is a positive feedback signal from p70S6K to mTOR (43, 44) and from mTOR to AKT (ref.
This finding indicates that mTOR can modulate the activation of AKT and suggests that there is a positive feedback signal to AKT from mTOR (Fig. 7).

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The DRD4 variant is known to alter dopamine signalling in the brain, which may make these children more sensitive to positive feedback, Bus says.
The researchers investigated how Suv39h1 employs a positive feedback loop to chemically tag thousands of adjacent histones, thus signaling the cell to stow away these underlying, unnecessary DNA sequences.
If the audio output from the speaker is received again by the microphone, the initial audio signal is strongly amplified in a positive feedback loop.
For the purpose, a stop - signal task was used together with fMRI, and there were three accidental rewards arranged to match the stop trials of the task, including monetary gain (positive), monetary loss (negative), and neutral feedback.
Benson: «A positive feedback amplifies the signal (forcing).
So at the end of the Eemian interglacial the signal (orbital forcing) decreased and the positive feedbacks of water vapor + CO2 enchanced the decline.
If a positive feedback amplifies a signal, and the resulting change attributable to water vapour feedback is greater than the initial signal, then any further perturbations will be competing with the change attributable to water vapor.
This might be because adaptor molecules like RhoH and SLP76 can affect the signaling events downstream of calcium release from the ER, or might indicate the existence for a possible positive feedback pathway from calcium signaling to the upstream of adaptor molecules.
While CAEP's new standards still have to be approved by the accreditor's board later this summer, the positive feedback Read more about New Language for Accreditation Standards Signals Successful Compromise -LSB-...]
Beneath the information lied a flood of positive feedback that signaled either personal experience with BookBub or the intention to check out details.
They discovered that if you increased the positive feedback in an audio amplifier enough then it became an oscillator, and if you continued to increase the gain eventually it output white noise, a signal that appeared to be random (rather like the weather: --RRB-
Both these factors (as well as sea ice albedo feedbacks, give the arctic region very strong positive feedback which regionally amplify the GW signal.
Whatever stored energy the system has that can be drawn upon to reinforce the signal gets used up, and used up quickly, because the positive feedback is on temperature (or voltage), whatever it's source — feedback on feedback essentially.
The signals for positive feedbacks are beginning to be detected and measured but it is by no means clear yet that they are contributing strongly to GHG emissions and accumulation in the atmosphere.
Ocean - ice - atmosphere coupling spawns a sequence of positive and negative feedbacks that convey persistence and quasi-oscillatory features to the signal.
The oscillatory nature of the signal can be thought of in terms of «braking,» whereby positive and negative feedbacks interact in such a way as to support reversals of the circulation regimes.
Positive feedback may be controlled by signals in the system being filtered, damped, or limited, or it can be cancelled or reduced by adding negative feedback.
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