Sentences with phrase «positive financial behavior»

Research proves that access to financial education during adolescence encourages positive financial behaviors later in life.
However, if you are rebuilding your finances as a whole, your goal is to build positive financial behaviors as well.

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The prevailing wisdom behind this is that when the country's economy is struggling, lower interest rates can motivate purchasing and borrowing behavior, helping generate a positive cycle of increased financial trust that supports it.
Describing such activity as «tricks» puts a falsely positive spin on poor financial behavior by the card holder.
Sometimes the bank doesn't see enough of a positive change in your financial behavior, and other times, there is something in your credit history that they really don't like, so the graduation might not be coming for a long time.
Instead, building up a recent positive payment history by avoiding late or missed payments can show that you've rectified your previously irresponsible financial behaviors and are ready — and able — to take on new credit lines.
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