Sentences with phrase «positive influences»

We spend most of our time harmoniously, trying hard to be positive influences in people's lives.
But when I think back at all of my teachers (and I remember every one of them), I have so many of them to thank for their positive influences on me.
Surely the need to better the community by bringing in positive influences would make the sacrifice worth it.
This is my first time doing anything like this, but my friends and family tell me I need to reach out to more positive influences in my life.
i love talking to people giving them positive influences and making them better people for the future, love life and living and each and every creation love working just because i have so much energy and cant keep still,..
I started listening to and TRUSTING my husband and the positive influences around me and I started blocking out all that crap that the enemy is whispering in my ear.
Occasional splurges are fine, but if these foods are in the diet constantly, they will make ADHD symptoms worse and may negate some of the positive influences of the best vitamins for ADHD.
While scientists still need to study the mechanisms by which alternate nostril breathing improves efficiency in a vigilance - specific task, it is known that vigilance is influenced by psychological factors such as stress (negative effects) and motivation (positive influences).
Fill your mind with positive birth stories and surround yourself with other positive influences.
In addition, it was proposed that short - chain fatty acids produced by fermentation of dietary fiber by intestinal microbiota interact with the antiinflammatory chemoattractant receptor GPR43 — ie, dietary fiber may be molecularly linked to positive influences on inflammatory responses (7).
One final exercise: Go back through your entire week and write down positive influences, great conversations, and celebrated wins.
Aboriginal youth today need the kind of guidance and strong positive influences that I was fortunate enough to have access to.
In Croatia, Žagrović points to «several very successful and very positive influences» from the National Foundation for Science, Higher Education and Technological Development of the Republic of Croatia and the Unity Through Knowledge Fund.
Recognizing the need for positive influences, he has devoted his time to mentoring youth on the dangers of violence.
Parenting involves many additional, more subtle positive influences, including being a role model, providing comfort and encouragement, sharing values, etc..
I just look to minimalism as one, of many, positive influences in my life to help me reduce clutter and assess if things are useful or bring me joy.
British democratic institutions are in many ways positive influences upon society.
Third, the texts also showed common positive, though not uncriticized, influences through Bergson and the American pragmatists — chiefly, in Whitehead's case, John Dewey.1 As a result of these positive influences, the texts displayed identical concerns for recovering the concreteness of experience, reinterpreting the body achieving a new understanding of space and time, and elucidating the immediacy of experience as a justification for philosophy itself.
Today these fundamental freedoms are everywhere under attack, and the positive influences and societal protections they afford have been routinely ignored by new elites allied to government power and anxious to advance a new agenda.
I wish her good health, positive influences, and a long successful happy life tn come.
«Overall, the vast majority of the coworking spaces that report positive influences through WeWork are those that aren't located in the direct vicinity to WeWork locations, but also not too far away.»
«Overall, the vast majority of the coworking spaces that report positive influences through WeWork are those that aren't located in the direct vicinity to WeWork locations,
A fifth reported positive influences and a tenth reported negative influences.»
About how to cultivate the positive influences in your life (Listen to people who are more successful than you; negative people are usually those who are fearful and who haven't done much).
But when they know they have access to positive influences and smoking cessation tools, it does remove barriers to quitting, making it easier if they do decide to stop smoking.
Make sure that you're surrounding yourself with positive influences who can support you in your career development.
Those values extend from «We believe in providing positive influences for children» to «We emphasize teamwork and make decisions as a team» to «We get involved in our community, particularly in partnerships with kids.»
While not every company can literally change people's lives, your business can have a positive influence on your customers» lives.
A review of several such studies found that viewing fictional medical TV programs had a negative influence on viewers» health - related knowledge, perceptions or behaviour in 11 % of studies, a positive influence in 32 % of studies, and mixed influence in 58 %.
While a majority of professionals and managers say they work overtime with the help of mobile devices and their workloads have increased as a result, most attribute that to the accompanying productivity increase and regard the change as a positive influence on their lives.
More important, when you write and speak more clearly, you increase your positive influence on your team.
A study conducted by Hanover Research found that 87 % of surveyed college students said analytics on their performance had a positive influence on their learning.
Because empathic people strive to have a positive influence, they naturally become people others look up to and admire.
They tend to be the people who have had a positive influence on your friends» lives.
Perhaps the most positive influence on Graff was his grandfather, Harold Schrock.
As a board member of the Center for Community Solutions, a San Diego - based nonprofit serving survivors of domestic violence and relationship abuse, I have seen firsthand the positive influence sustainable philanthropy can have on an organization.
It's a kind of organization that's not a positive influence in the world, regardless of what your political affiliations are.
In short, they have to demonstrate they will be the positive influence on our society that they espouse to be,» said Galvin.
The Edison Achievement Award recognizes and celebrates their contribution to human - centered design, the value and differentiation they create, the positive influence they have on existing, new and emerging markets and the impact they have on the world.
Looking at it from this perspective, while WeWork makes the most noise, other operators get some of the echo, which is why, as Deskmag states, those that aren't too close but neither too far from WeWork locations are the ones that perceive WeWork as a positive influence.
Don't berate yourself for what you didn't do in the past, take proactive steps to make a positive influence in your future.
While it's no surprise that keeping your pens lined up will make you a more efficient worker, a new study may be the first research to show that disorder can also have a positive influence on workplace behavior.
But Kiva's positive influence extends much further than the loans themselves.
It does not have to be this way and through our mission we want to change the statistic of 99 % of businesses failing in the first 5 years to 99 % being successful and having an amazing positive influence on society and our communities.
It sounded like a hint but, if there is any chance of Indiegogo actually adopting Bitcoin, it would have a positive influence on the development of the cryptocurrency.
«Professional advice has a positive influence on other retirement planning behaviors including: increased usage of tax - advantaged savings vehicles, improved asset allocation, and greater portfolio diversification,» IRI says, noting that 53 % of Boomers working with an advisor report confidence in retirement expectations versus the 21 % of Boomers without an advisor who report the same.
More importantly, teaching class gave me a chance to help serve as a positive influence for the clients that were leaving their own problems, issues, and concerns at the door.
With FrontFundr, both experienced and regular investors are able to exercise positive influence on businesses they would like to support.
For example, when an expert takes over your Instagram account to post an educational content, tell Instagram Stories, or go live, people who know her might like your brand more as her presence on your social media creates a positive influence on them.
This can be expected to have a positive influence on the Australian economy in coming years, given Australia's proximity to the east Asian region and the strong trade links that have been cultivated with it over the past decade or so.
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