Sentences with phrase «positive job performance rating»

«Only 29 percent of New Yorkers give Trump a positive job performance rating, better than Congressional Democrats, with a 20 percent positive job performance rating, and their Republican colleagues, who have only a 15 percent positive job performance rating.
«Two - thirds of Republicans give Trump a positive job performance rating and 70 percent view him favorably.
Only 29 % of New Yorkers give him a positive job performance rating, while 68 % rate his job performance negatively.
Job performance rating for the governor also down, 47 percent give him a positive job performance rating compared to 52 percent who give him a negative job performance rating, that too is down from last month when it was 50 positive, 48 negative.
Snyder has a positive job performance rating as governor statewide but his favorability rating is less strong.
63 percent, nearly two - thirds, view him unfavorably, his job performance even worse: barely a quarter, 26 percent of New Yorkers give him a positive job performance rating.
So, on an issue like improving New York's economy, only 35 percent of New Yorkers give him a positive job performance rating, compared to 63 percent who give him a negative job performance rating.
When it comes to reducing corruption in state government, 23 percent of New Yorkers, fewer than a quarter, give him a positive job performance rating, compared to more than two - thirds, 69 percent, who give him a negative job performance rating.
Right now 41 percent give him a positive job performance rating as governor, 57 percent give him a negative job performance rating as governor.

Not exact matches

When it comes to job performance, only 27 percent of voters give him a positive rating, while 71 percent view his handling of the presidency negatively.
She has a 49 percent positive and 43 percent negative job performance rating.
On the specifics of the mayor's job performance, he receives his highest score among city residents on how he handled the bombing incident in Chelsea with a 60 % positive rating.
Meanwhile, his job performance rating is rising as well, rising «above water» for the first time since July 2014, standing at 50 percent positive — a swing from 45 percent to 53 percent in January.
His job performance rating stands at a negative 43 percent to 55 percent, a decline from a positive 51 percent to 46 percent rating only two months ago.
Donald Trump is currently suffering from the lowest approval rating of his presidency, with just 38 percent feeling positive about his job performance, a new poll shows.
Some 45 percent gave him a positive rating, while 54 percent gave him a negative job performance rating.
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