Sentences with phrase «positive properties»

For a cash flow positive property to be at all impressive, it should be purchased with a standard down payment (20 %).
Every gene was assigned a score, based on previous studies, where 0 indicated that the polymorphism of this gene did not create a muscular advantage for running a marathon, 1 meant a standard level and 2 indicated that the polymorphism of the gene conferred positive properties for bearing this effort through muscles.
Instead of reacting to the wheat itself, it's much more likely that people are reacting to the hybridization of the wheat, the chemicals and glyphosate (Roundup) sprayed on it, or something else entirely, like a compromised gut reacting to harder - to - digest proteins that actually have many nutritionally positive properties.
The Sustainability Property Challenge — a national program developed by the Institute of Real Estate Management (IREM) and Penton Inc. - owned Green Per Square Foot (Green PSF)-- offers property owners and managers a friendly challenge to make their buildings more energy efficient, enhance their financial performance and property values and make a positive
Cash flow positive properties only Dave Portas is an investor, consultant and coach based in Birmingham in the UK.
It is certainly possible to find cash - flow positive properties ie buy - to - let properties that immediately generate sufficient rental income to not only cover all the property expenses but also produce a surplus.
A coworker of mine has a cash flow positive property in the anaheim area, so I thought it would be a good start.
Bear in mind that the appraiser has not laid eyes on any of the properties personally, let alone enter any of them to take personal notes, nor has the appraiser scanned the neighbourhood for negative or positive property variables affecting values.
I do agree with your arguments: finding a cash flow positive property is not easy (not in the area I look to buy in Belgium), finding the time to maintain it and follow up is another challenge (there are jobs, family, hobbies and my own house).
Jayceon Terrell Taylor, referred to as the game in rap circles, has thoroughbred his belief within the positive properties of cannabis by getting in a blockchain technology company referred...
Jayceon Terrell Taylor, referred to as the game in rap circles, has thoroughbred his belief within the positive properties of cannabis by getting in...
The cell produced by ANT - OAR would have all of the positive properties of a pluripotent stem cell» as well as all of the restrictions in developmental potency such cells normally exhibit.
That space, to satisfy Parmenides» demands, must be a perfectly neutral nothing: if it had positive properties, it would be a kind of «something,» and the old difficulty of explaining plurality would arise again.
It is not clear either that all positive properties are logically compatible, as in the paradox of divine omniscience and omnipotence.
If we suppose that God possesses all positive properties, Leibniz argues, then necessary existence is a positive property and must pertain to God.
The property that conjoins all positive properties also must be a positive property; and because «necessary existence» is a positive property, this property - of - all - positive - properties must include necessary existence; Gödel defines it as the «God - like property.»
The objection of circularity might be raised because «positive properties» may be called positive because they are Godlike to begin with.
It seems to imply, for example, that every positive property also must exist, for all positive properties belong to the God whom the argument proves to exist.
Moreover, because «necessary existence» is one of these positive properties, God must exist in all possible worlds.
If we agree that it is logically possible for a perfect being to exist because «all perfections are compatible with each other,» then we must conclude that a being possessing all positive properties must exist: «There is, or can be understood, the subject of all perfections, or a most perfect being.»
God therefore possesses all positive properties, and, because non-positive properties are the negation of positive properties, God can not have any non-positive properties.
This does not reduce the positive properties of sunshine — even just 15 minutes in the shade prevent any vitamin D deficiency.
«What makes our nanocomposite special is that it combines the positive properties of both of its components,» explains Tobias Helbich.
So buy a good quality brand of green tea and boost your healthy meals with this miraculous drink — not only that it brings many health benefits on its own but it will further increase the positive properties of all the superfoods mentioned above.
Avocados store an impressive amount of positive properties and can be used in multiple ways.
In the same way that harmful compounds, such as chemical cleaners or gases can be absorbed into our blood stream through inhalation, so can the positive properties of essential oils.
The positive properties of the steel used allow an increase in mean body strength and stiffness by 55 percent over the former model.
Today he has his own portfolio of cash flow positive properties, a successful letting and property management company including the property sourcing company.
Buying cash flow positive properties.
Yet, real estate developments, parcel / land, Tenant in Common, and fixer uppers have a much higher risk than the previously mentioned cash - flow positive property.
I am very determined to be successful at investing in business» and owning cash flow positive properties.
Maybe someone as a resident, who bought a cash - flow positive property, had good appreciation (added bonus) and recently cycled through a tenant and increased your rent 7 % would you say otherwise?
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