Sentences with phrase «positive psychological changes»

The results failed to confirm the hypothesis that a strong working alliance early in treatment would predict positive psychological changes later in treatment.
When people think about secure attachment in this way they experience a variety of positive psychological changes, including less insecurity, even after they leave the laboratory.6 ``... those repeatedly primed with attachment security reported more positive relationship expectations, more positive self - views, and less attachment anxiety.»
True forgiveness is the only reliable path the research has found to lead to posttraumatic growth, meaning the positive psychological change that sometimes occurs after someone experiences an emotional trauma — you might think of this as the opposite of posttraumatic stress.
I was curious to read that Isla's study doesn't show a significant change in post-traumatic growth (PTG), the positive psychological change experienced as a result of the struggle with highly challenging life circumstances.
Alternatively, although the alliance has been shown to predict the outcome of other modes of delivery, it may not be a crucial factor in facilitating positive psychological change in Internet - based manualized therapies.
Post traumatic growth is the positive psychological change that allows people to grow and to have more meaningful lives after trauma than what they had before tragedy struck.

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According to research from the University of Pennsylvania's Wharton School, taking a fresh start can have a powerful psychological effect that leads to positive behavioral change.
By changing how we define successful infant feeding, we can empower families to feel positive and confident about how they nourish their babies, and we may prevent the psychological stress which results when things don't go according to plan.
Besides positive self - talk and other psychological coping mechanisms, some moms have found relief with herbal remedies as well as lifestyle changes like making sure to eat well, staying hydrated, and getting as much rest as possible (which is obviously difficult when you are the mother of an infant).
Previous research has shown that failure to prepare for retirement makes individuals more likely to be depressed and less likely to successfully adapt to the life change; however, planning for retirement has positive outcomes, such as improved psychological well - being, more financial stability and better role adjustment.
Most likely such a mental frame - work underlying the selection against negative in favor of positive ones will not only require a structural change, but also a mental or psychological one, including better training of editors to recognize the importance of negative results, and to distinguish negative results from bad science.
By supporting psychological wellbeing at this level, it seems clear that there is the potential to bring about huge positive change, not only within the teacher population, but also for students, schools and society as a whole.
Positive human - animal interaction is related to the changes in physiological variables both in humans and animals, including a reduction of subjective psychological stress (fear, anxiety) and an increase of oxytocin levels in the brain.
«For a veteran suffering from PTSD, a positive change in their psychological well - being and higher levels of life satisfaction are huge milestones to celebrate — and that's why we know The Pet Effect is a true game - changer,» explained HABRI Executive Director, Steven Feldman.
If you are struggling from substance abuse in Minneapolis, mindfulness can bring positive life changes for both your physical and psychological health.
In Denver, low - resource families who received home visiting showed modest benefits in children's language and cognitive development.102 In Elmira, only the intervention children whose mothers smoked cigarettes before the experiment experienced cognitive benefits.103 In Memphis, children of mothers with low psychological resources104 in the intervention group had higher grades and achievement test scores at age nine than their counterparts in the control group.105 Early Head Start also identified small, positive effects on children's cognitive abilities, though the change was for the program as a whole and not specific to home - visited families.106 Similarly, IHDP identified large cognitive effects at twenty - four and thirty - six months, but not at twelve months, so the effects can not be attributed solely to home - visiting services.107
A psychological approach that assists in behaviour change by focusing on a person's motivations for problem behaviour, examining the consequences of it and addressing their ambivalence about making positive change.
Father involvement increased for current couples group participants, though not as much as for benchmark couples group participants; they showed statistically similar positive changes on 6 measures (decline in parenting stress, stability in couple relationship satisfaction, children's hyperactivity, social withdrawal, psychological symptoms, increased income).
Results for both groups showed positive changes in protective factors (parenting attitudes, parenting competence, and social support); diminished risk factors (depressive symptoms, parenting stress, life stress); improved safety (physical and psychological care of children); and improved behavior (decreased internalizing and externalizing).
Because the literature showed that maternal psychological distress increases with child sleep and behavioral disturbance, it was hypothesized that mothers» attendance at the program would have a positive effect on their psychosocial well - being and parenting satisfaction, while mothers who were in the waitlist control group would experience no change in maternal distress over the waiting period.
Still, the way I would describe it is that I emphasize building psychological resources, based on using positive neuroplasticity to change the brain for the better, that people can use for healing old pain, being more effective in daily life, having more satisfying relationships, experiencing more well - being, and — if they like — growing in their own chosen spiritual practice.
As an expert in health promotion research, she has led the nation in understanding the psychological determinants for reducing risk - related behaviors and how best to facilitate and promote positive changes in health behaviors.
Music therapy is the prescribed use of music to effect positive changes in the psychological, physical, cognitive, or social functioning of individuals with health or educational problems (see
It is worthy studying the relationship between positive changes and psychological variables as positive changes are assumed to make a difference in people's lives by affecting levels of distress, well - being or other areas of mental health.
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