Sentences with phrase «positive situation»

It should only be used in positive situations, and never to correct the dog.
Therapists help people to seek out and experience more positive situations in their lives.
A critique is not considered as professional if he involves himself in extra positive situation or extra negative while criticizing a text.
Ask yourself why you're afraid to look at the present, and take steps to create a more positive situation.
When you find yourself under a constant assault of emails, texts, phone calls (voice mails), and pressure from family (theirs and sometimes even yours) as a result of the high conflict parent's smear campaign — realize that you can turn this into a potentially positive situation for yourself.
Remember to work at your dog's pace, and use the muzzle in positive situations as well as uncomfortable ones, in order to keep positive associations.
«We have an extremely positive situation in our economy right now... Being in a very strong economic position make us resilient to deal with challenges around the world.»
«We're in a very positive situation economically, with more Canadians working, with a strong level of growth, and we'll continue to have an approach to fiscal conservatism that shows a declining debt - to - GDP over time,» said Morneau.
Commissioner Roger Goodell wants to have final say over the arbitration and appeals process, even for players who are caught in a non-analytical positive situation where a player is caught either in possession of (or is conspiring to take delivery of) a Performance - Enhancing Drug (PED without actually ever testing positive for the drug.
Arsenal might be experiencing a quite positive situation at the moment, but it's not all joyful for Arsene Wenger's side as they won't be able to use their summer signing Lucas Perez for eight weeks due to injury.
RIM will now have to market and bear the full burden of device development including support for application developers all on its own - not the most positive situation while other top - name brands have carrier supported tablets of their own.
• After that period, your puppy will become more cautious when facing new experiences so try even more to ensure he encounters only positive situations as this helps to strengthen learned behaviors
The more positive the situation the fewer the accidents — spanking or over reacting if there is an accident, only leads to more accidents.
«I thought it was a special occasion for me, a positive situation, but it came out negative.»
It is possible to make the car seat a positive situation and reduce the crying phases.
Look for solutions or positive outcomes in not - so - positive situations.
Therapists help people seek out positive situations, and find alternatives to unhealthy habits.
You just have to learn how to form your thoughts to the positive situation and move forward to what you will find what you are looking for.
But you can definitely turn single life into a positive situation.
Michael fights to get Ben back into his life, but first he must prove that he can handle the HIV - positive situation, while Brian is introduced to his mother's minister - a man he's already met in very different circumstances.
However, it establishes a negative situation just as fast as it establishes a positive situation.
The chart above shows a positive situation that developed in one of today's best growth stocks more than a decade ago.
Judicious use of credit cards can actually be a positive situation.
Our life is filled with negative and positive situations.
Fortunately it turned into a positive situation with my health eventually improving and it was possible to experience a colorful city which was not initially in my itinerary.
Given that aviation generates 3 % of all CO2 emissions in the EU and is expected to double in a bit more than a decade, and the potential impacts of global warming, I'm not sure how you can say that forcing airlines to reduce emissions isn't a positive situation for the environment.
They have the ability to bring positivity to any not - so - positive situation.
To dream of a blue alligator symbolizes a powerful fear of a positive situation.
If you are not aware of the positive situations beforehand, then people can easily fool you with negative results.
This creates a positive situation for both the insurer and the insured.
Begin your answer with one or two positive situations and then describe a negative one.
I am actually smiling again with the thought of moving on soon into a more positive situation that is a better fit for me!
Adoption is one selfless choice that offers the opportunity to turn an unwanted pregnancy into a positive situation for you and your baby.
With a large network of friends, followers and connections, Kinney is able to refer business back to individuals who refer business to him, creating a positive situation for everyone involved.
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