Sentences with phrase «positive social change»

My mission is to create positive social change in the greater world by supporting the healing potential in the smaller worlds of one person, one couple, one family.
Learn how to engage employees, fuel business growth and drive positive social change through high - impact employee - led charitable giving and volunteering programs.
Eligible applicants are individuals with a passion for grassroots environmental issues, social entrepreneurship, and student leadership for positive social change.
There are always institutions looking for social entrepreneurs to sponsor to create positive social change through business.
Online protest is easy, nearly cost - free in democratic nations, and can help drive positive social change.
Standing up for our rights can be difficult, but it can also help make positive social change.
It enables positive social change by supporting social purpose organisations that are achieving measurable results in our communities.
These educators are preparing a generation of global citizens with knowledge of global issues and developing their skills to work towards positive social change.
The novel is now available in paperback and would be an excellent pick for reading groups, in part because it makes us ask: Can art promote positive social change?
We are driven by the desire to affect positive social change through responsible and sustainable business practices.
Love your community When people come together in love, BIG things can happen like positive social change, freedom and justice.
Her belief is that motherhood is an empowering force that can transform the future for all children and can bring great positive social change.
He is passionate about building respectful community and empowering individuals to maximize positive social change.
We focus on using business as a tool for positive social change.
Below are some great ways to start giving kids perspective on their innate power to create positive social change.
Love your community - When people come together in love, BIG things can happen like positive social change, freedom and justice.
Prose, Poetry & Purpose is an hour long talk radio show focused on those who seek to inspire positive social change in the world, specifically through literary mediums.
A highly - skilled and solutions - oriented Human Services Professional driven to enable the promotion of positive social change in troubled youth.
They provide artists with space and time to take risks, fostering an ideal environment for artists and the public to directly engage in experiences and partnerships that foster positive social change.
A trip to South Korea is an eye - opening look at how companies there are achieving positive social change while turning a profit.
To make positive social change on any meaningful scale, Chase says social entrepreneurs need to first question whether there's demand for what they are selling.
«One of the foundation's main aims is to maintain a tradition of encouraging excellence and enabling innovation to facilitate positive social change - and that is exactly what we try to do at the Parenting and Family Support Centre,» Professor Sanders said.
We are here to help your organization, socially - minded business, or campaign advance positive social change by utilizing digital tools to mobilize your grassroots supporters.
To those optimistic, persistent souls who have a vested interest in seeing positive social change in the U.S., here's a sobering message: if you are looking for meaningful government support, don't hold your breath.
Enactus is a student club at the University of Calgary that uses business concepts and an educational approach to enact positive social change.
These and other great brands are making positive social change without engaging in typical CSR activities.
Understanding the nature of viral altruism and its core behavioural characteristics can help us sustain positive social change.
Through strategic partnerships with organizations leading positive social change, we offer weekly trauma informed yoga classes for individuals experiencing hardships including homelessness, the disease of addiction, and creating a new life after human trafficking and sex exploitation.
One could argue that Boyz n the Hood participated in the genre of blaxploitation, but Singleton's classic was really an attempt to make the «hood tale an American tale, and to incite positive social change in doing so.
A change in a community's expectations of students and autonomy given to their leadership will help prove that young people have an incredible ability to organize positive social change to a school's and community's culture.
The biggest figure of the post-World War II avant - garde scene in Germany, Joseph Beuys viewed art as an exceptional mean for invoking positive social changes.
Positive social change occurs through critical mass that causes epiphanies, which reveal systemic disempowerment and truth, but it is critical engagement on an individual - to - individual basis that leads to this domino effect.
Punitive damages can send a message to people and corporations to change their harmful behavior and can encourage positive social change.
CLCE inspires action and cultivates positive social change through leadership development and community engagement.
position in social services where I can provide support and opportunities to effect positive social change... CUNY York College 2018 Bachelor of Science: Social Work Queens, NY, United States Experience... children Help children develop practical habits and social skills Provided support to lead teachers and staff
The report concludes that Canada needs an era of experimentation that focuses on improving developmental trajectories in early childhood, working with groups as well as individual families and building evaluation data systems capable of detecting positive social change (6).
Our aim is to open people's eyes to and provide support for all those affected by Parental Alienation, leading to much needed and overdue positive social change.
Partners across the state are using these resources to leverage their work with consistent messaging when discussing early childhood development, adversity, and toxic stress to keep shifting social norms toward positive social change for family and child well - being in Colorado.
As «Peace Not Pas» our aim is to provide support for all those affected by Parental Alienation and also promote awareness of this, leading to much needed positive social change
Paperhand Puppet Intervention is a North Carolina - based crew that has been creating inspiring and breath - taking shows since 1998 with the goal of supporting positive social change and environmental stewardship, as reflected in their mission statement:
With 56 % of children with intellectual disabilities highlighting they have cried due to bullying, Play Unified aims to empower young people to drive positive social change in their schools by: tackling bullying, promoting equality and forging friendships for young people with and without ID.
Our publication SmartMoves Magazine provides the most interactive platform for aspiring young leaders, academics, scientists, technologists, authors, social innovators, and entrepreneurs with innovative ways to influence and meet influence, become connected with life changing opportunities and be part of debates geared towards positive social change.
Our staff is dedicated to providing California citizens with affordable legal representation that creates positive social change for local communities.
Empathy has the capacity to transform individual lives for the better while helping to bring about positive social change in schools and communities worldwide.
We strive to provide artists the space and time to take risks, to foster the ideal environment for artists and the public to directly engage, and to create experiences and partnerships that foster positive social change.
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