Sentences with phrase «positive test result»

This has been known to cause positive test results in users that hadn't smoked for months so it not recommended.
So to identify six positive test results means paying for the testing of 100 cats.
Applicants with verified positive test results shall be refused employment.
And while positive test results could be a first step in getting your teen help, drug testing your child definitely has some serious risks.
Men with a false - positive prostate cancer screening were at least 22 percent more likely to have future colon cancer screenings compared to men who did not have an inaccurate positive test result.
We believe that when emphasis on assessment FOR learning is actively and systematically advocated and supported in a school or district, then positive test results can follow.
So if your dog was already infected before starting a monthly heartworm routine, those existing adult heartworms may eventually trigger positive test results.
Even with apparently positive test results, you should not assume the dog has the disease.
You must take this action upon receiving the initial report of the verified positive test result.
Based on interviews with 1,200 veterinary clinics that regularly test for Lyme disease in dogs, a study conducted by Fort Dodge Animal Health revealed that 41 percent reported positive test results for canine Lyme.
Two more ground beef recalls are in effect in Canada because of positive test results showing contamination with E. coli O157: H7.
(c) For all other codeine and morphine positive results, you must verify a confirmed positive test result only if you determine that there is clinical evidence, in addition to the urine test, of unauthorized use of any opium, opiate, or opium derivative (i.e., morphine, codeine, or heroin).
If selected as diagnostic test, do not instill fluorescein prior to collection of samples for IFA analysis; doing so will result in false positive test results.
And you have to go through this on average 3.2 times per patient to finally get positive test results, allowing time for lots of telegenic hijinks along the way.
A first weed - positive test result leads to a referral to a program, a second to a fine, a third to a bigger fine, a fourth to a four - game suspension, a fifth to a 10 - game suspension, and a sixth (and thereafter) to a one - year «banishment» from the league.
Three years ago, Catlin told this writer, «USADA should not enter into a contract that doesn't call for it to report positive test results to the appropriate governing body.
We also obtained consent from study participants to review their medical charts at the study sites for positive test results indicating interim pregnancies or chlamydial, gonococcal, or HSV - 2 infections.
One study also identified another unidentified «blocking» agent that caused positive test results to become negative.
The literature shows the prevalence of FIV and FeLV positive test results in the feral population is low - and the same as in the domestic population (about 4 percent for FeLV and 2 percent for FIV) Money spent on testing can instead, sterilize more cats.
Infected mother cats transfer FIV antibodies to nursing kittens, so kittens born to infected mothers may receive positive test results for several months after birth.
A titer is done by diluting the blood repeatedly and recording positive test results.
«Our collective research has shown that horses can often develop this disease earlier in life, yet earlier clinical signs don't always translate into positive test results,» said Nicholas Frank, D.V.M, DACVIM, professor and chair of the Department of Clinical Sciences at the Cummings School of Veterinary Medicine at Tufts University and group coordinator for the Equine Endocrinology Group.
«While we found positive test results were more common in parents of kids with food allergies, the actual levels in the blood for the foods were quite low.
The admission came as a surprise as we did not expect the rollout to begin until next year, but it seems positive test results have encouraged Google to move forward.
(3) A staff person may advise an employee to have medical information (e.g., prescriptions, information forming the basis of a legitimate medical explanation for a confirmed positive test result) ready to present at the interview with the MRO.
The cost of testing (and often re-testing because of false positive test results) hinders the success of a spay and neuter program.
Positive test results for celiac disease on your endoscopy and biopsy means you definitely have the condition, and must follow the gluten - free diet for life.
(f) For purposes of your role in the evaluation process, you must assume that a verified positive test result has conclusively established that the employee
The literature shows the prevalence of FIV and FeLV positive test results in the feral population is low - and the same as in the domestic population (about 4 percent for FeLV, 2 percent for FIV.)
In reviewing environmental monitoring programs for food manufacturing facilities, a common weakness is the investigation into the root cause of the positive test result.
Nathan has been tested and had a negative test result because he never eats gluten, that is my confusion, why would I want to make him sick to have a positive test result?
Interstate Meat Distributors Inc. of Clackamas, OR, notified the USDA's Food Safety and Inspection Service of the positive test result, which was detected by a third - party lab.
According to a report in the New York Daily News, after Morales was confronted with the positive test results, he claimed a USADA official suggested that he might have inadvertently ingested clenbuterol by eating contaminated meat.
No matter how big the lump in your throat when you first see that positive test result, be prepared for an even bigger one when you meet your little one on screen!
If you suspect that you may be pregnant but know that it is too early to get a positive test result, even with the early detection pregnancy tests, keep your eyes peeled for some of this early pregnancy signs.
Can't wait to get that positive test result?
Their analysis showed that whole genome sequencing could alert most individuals to an increased risk of at least one disease, signaled by a positive test result, but most people would get negative test results for the majority of diseases studied, failing to forewarn them of the diseases they may ultimately develop.
A positive test result, meaning you have a gene mutation linked to a greater risk of cancer, doesn't imply you're guaranteed to develop the cancer, just as a negative result doesn't mean you're in the clear for life.
But we don't know how long those positive test results actually linger once you go gluten - free — those people may not reflect the norm.
If you have symptoms that correspond with a positive test result, other testing may help you track your condition.
Although nobody wants to get a positive test results, you'd have to be prepared for the worst possible case as well..
«Positive test results, on both state assessments and the NAEP, show that urban schools are making progress and improving reading and math scores.»
And positive test results, on both state assessments and the NAEP, show that urban schools are making progress and improving reading and math scores.
In a 2015 Washington Post report, it was stated that for the second year in a row, the school's students showed positive testing results, with their third - graders showing a 95 % passing rate in math, even outperforming the 84 % passing rate of third - grader peers from the «largely wealthy, high - achieving Arlington school district».
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