Sentences with phrase «positive understanding»

I have a more positive understanding of everything, including myself.
In these therapies sex - affirmative attitudes and feelings are gradually developed by a couple as they identify with positive understandings and attitudes of the therapist and as they learn, through coaching and practice, new, non-demand pleasuring skills.
A tension arises between West's incredibly positive understanding of sex and the body and his teaching that sex in itself or anything else of this world, for that matter can never fully satisfy.
My name is Keith a cool calm collective romantic positive understand attractive intelligent hardworking Black Male.
Armed with years of research, clinical and field experience, Alyson can provide a new, positive understanding of your current family dynamic with actionable solutions that will give you the hope and confidence needed to transform your family.
Maybe we can get some positive understanding out of all this and flush out the undercurrent of Islamaphobia that has been building even before 9/11.
Plaid Cymru emphasises the need for students to develop a positive understanding of the history of Wales and local communities through the curriculum.
Still, at the Tel Aviv meeting last week, Israeli representatives told a delegation from the European Commission that without «positive understandings on the guidelines» implementation... Israel will be unable to join the European R&D program,» according to an Israeli government statement.
This project involves a partnership with select seminaries throughout the US to integrate science into their core curricula, with a goal of promoting a positive understanding of science among religious leaders and eventually the communities they serve.
DoSER has launched Phase II of a project that partners with seminaries to provide support and resources to seminary professors to encourage informed dialogue and a positive understanding of science among future religious leaders.
Just out to see what we can do together, and enjoy some time together, and looking at a positive understanding.
Our mission is to promote a positive understanding of disability and community inclusion, as well as be a source of support, information, and education for families and professionals.
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