Sentences with phrase «positive view of someone»

This is a very positive view of what is going on in the publishing / writing world.
His mother's overwhelmingly positive view of adoption did influence our beliefs.
Instead of coming off of a less positive view of the word I could see it as being encouraging, especially in a small group setting.
I have noticed that some shelter staff do not have the most positive view of working with volunteers.
When they surveyed current cultural trends in 1990, they came to a very positive view of globalization.
We form positive views of the people we treat well, and negative views of people we treat poorly.
In addition to a basic positive view of humanity and of life in general, healthy families also deal with the inevitable losses that occur in the family life cycle.
Their successes, failures, frustrations, insights and joy will help you develop an effective and positive view of parenting.
Happy couples tend to hold overly positive views of each other, and this seems easiest to pull off at the start of a relationship.
They indicate energy and team spirit and positive view of community, skills often required in a community.
However, the results so far are illuminating and consistent with a more positive view of young fathers than the stereotypes sometimes allow.
If Consider Teens, the surveyed also had mind blowing positive view of interracial dating.
The issue now seems to be whether those representing corporate interests, with profits to be gained from positive views of their industries or products, should have been allowed any input at all.
But developing a fundamentally positive view of each other takes work.
This means real - time answers for the buyer and happy clients for the business as well as a more positive view of the corporation's beneficial footprint.
They took a less positive view of the entire industry — about two thirds of respondents said large law firms in general were only «somewhat prepared».
This is a very positive view of the power of humanity to improve it's plight, and a non reliance on faith and prayer to solve problems.
In addition, consistent with Cooley's [17] notion of the «looking glass self,» children who perceive parents as warm and supportive are more likely to develop positive views of themselves.
But while Conservative cabinet ministers today slam Boulerice and urge an unequivocally positive view of how World War I was when Canada «came of age,» I wonder if they will use the upcoming 1914 anniversary of the war's start to begin celebrating Borden, or if the bitter complexities of history will continue to render that politically unwise.
Less positive views of children's wellness were especially common among parents of children who experienced frequent parenting stress.
Some American elites observed that although many indicators suggest relatively positive views of China among Americans, the low level of trust U.S. respondents reported having in China suggests that this positive opinion could be quite volatile and subject to swings if the relationship were to suffer a major setback.
An extremely positive view of what goes on inside the Grey Lady is made memorable by the film's center character David Carr, who initiated the Times» first dip into the Oscar pool with «The Carpetbagger.»
This same tension crops up in the Protestant Reformation, with Martin Luther's juxtaposition of Law and Gospel (reflected in his quasi «Marcionite view that the Old Testament condemns the sinner while the New Testament proclaims a message of unmerited grace), as against John Calvin's much more positive view of Old Testament Law, a code that in fact became the legal basis for his theocracy in Geneva.
«Our data shows in spite of the wealth gap - and maybe because of it - African - Americans have a much more positive view of life insurance than whites do,» Robert Kerzner, president and CEO of LIMRA, said to The Republic.
«Furthermore, these people are able to maintain positive views of their partner in spite of unfavourable comparisons.
This type of accommodationist theology is still very much part of the thinking of those traditional Jews who have a generally positive view of Christianity as a gentile religion.
Republicans still have an overwhelmingly positive view of Trump's actions on trade, but support has dipped slightly year over year to 76 % in March from 81 % a year before, according to the poll.
Having a general overall positive view of Labor, I'd point out that both the union and the company are corrupt here... but I understand the question is about what to do about the union and I'm curious to see the answer!
Marlborough Chelsea presents the large cosmology of the work (accompanied by a fully illustrated catalog) to inspire and promote a progressive, positive view of America's past in the hope to help make a better future.
A recent report from the Office for National Statistics in the U.K., which surveyed 2,200 people on age discrimination and prejudice, found that respondents had a more positive view of senior workers than they did of career - hungry 20 - somethings.
Despite an incremental positive view of the company and its direction, the analyst ultimately believes a «perfect execution» moving forward won't return the company to its glory days when it earned $ 1.32 per share.
Indeed, the basic logic of this position bas easily recognizable analogues in that Christian thinking about Jews that maintains a generally positive view of Judaism.
The survey also found support for gender segregation in the workplace in Pakistan, Egypt and Jordan and positive views of harsh punishments for various crimes in Egypt, Jordan and Pakistan.
The indication of loneliness and isolation among pastors who leave parish ministry warrants a more positive view of pastors» potential for collegiality and calls for a vigorous exploration of the conditions that encourage noncompetitive relationships between clergy.
Such an understanding is essential in giving policy makers, Bishops, governors, teachers and parents the confidence to promote an authentic and positive view of Church teaching on human sexuality and the inherent dignity of human life in schools, parishes and the home.
Maybe the words of Israeli rabbi Yosef have something to do with the less than positive view of Jews:
This denial of the importance of honor codes and the corresponding enforcement implies a rather positive view of our character; namely, that most people are going to do the right thing given the opportunity.
By the time I decided to wean both of my toddlers, I knew I mentally and physically couldn't maintain breastfeeding any longer and simultaneously retain the overwhelmingly fond, happy, positive view of breastfeeding I was lucky enough to achieve in the first place.
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