Sentences with phrase «positive waves»

But fear not, the show is as strong as ever and continues on with a more positive wave length than I can remember for a long time.
In summary, I'm glad the iPhone X exists, and I'm optimistic about it making positive waves in the wider smartphone market, but I am not myself attracted by it.
The reason I include this as the Nightlight Honorable Mention is because of the positive waves this is making in breastfeeding mommy communities.
«With the relocation of the Ice Boom we have triggered a positive wave of development on Buffalo's waterfront and these changes will bring even more opportunities along the Buffalo River and Outer Harbor,» Higgins said.
Striped of its international cinema release by Paramount Studios due to worries that it was too cerebral for audiences, Annihilation (based on the novel by Jeff VanderMeer) comes to Netflix on more of a positive wave of critical reaction than the two sci - fi streaming flicks before it, two films which have done a great detriment to Netflix's standing as a major film studio competitor, only enforcing the notion that the streaming service is becoming a dumping ground for doomed movies.
The Radisson Hotel Shimla in the Himalayan Mountains in India has created a positive wave of change in the lives of local inmates.
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