Sentences with phrase «possibilities something offers»

We're excited about our new partnership and the professional learning possibilities it offers to educators everywhere.
This is the year that the world's attention and imagination was finally captured by this industry as a result of its breakneck speed growths and the seemingly limitless possibilities it offers for the modern life.
Artists were drawn to holography, hailed as a medium of the future that turned space inside out, for its spatial, volumetric, and sequential qualities, and to the creative possibilities it offered in contrast to photography, film, and early video.
«India loves the Galaxy Note for the infinite possibilities it offers with its big screen, unique S Pen and multi-tasking capabilities.
Having so many wonderful and varied supervisors and really dedicated colleague» s have given me a deep appreciation of the complexity of schema therapy, of the many possibilities it offers and of all there still is to work on and discover.
We hope to surprise students, and perhaps even teachers, with new ideas about the play as well as explore the range of interpretive possibilities it offers
DB: The idea for Winter of the Melodias came about right at the end of development of the first game, when Chris Symonds the game's Art Director wondered what one of the levels might look like in winter and did a mock up, and that set the creative juices flowing about how to switch between Summer and Winter and the many gameplay possibilities it offered.
Introduced to the technique by Ludovic - Napoléon Lepic around 1876, Degas became fascinated by the rich possibilities it offered and continued experimenting with it well into the 1890s.
When I found out about the possibility of a law conversion, I was attracted both by the intellectual rigour of it and the international possibilities it offered.
Kids will love it for the doodling possibilities it offers — and you'll love it for writing down handy reminders.
Family Connections Working with the idea of a book and exhibition as a final outcome Hill will also initiate workshops with families to «initiate a renewed sense of wonder of the natural world and the infinite possibilities it offers».
The developers will be demonstrating their results and the possibilities they offer at stand B46 in hall 2 at this year's Hanover Trade Fair as part of the leading trade show Research & Technology which takes place from 25th to 29th April.
The reason for this is pretty cool and becomes even cooler when you understand the possibilities it offers in terms of performance.
I checked your websites and I a bit confused about all possibilities you offer to your clients.
I enjoy the outdoors endless fun and possibilities she offers..
One possibility he offered was to come up with a flat royalty that could be used across formats.
It is books - through a book group for Maggie and the discussion of books chosen by the group members - that help them find a way, if not back, then toward a different kind of acceptance of their lives and the possibilities they offer.
In fact, the reason I'm guessing an April unveiling of the device is related to the text - book «app» possibilities it offers.
With commentary by Alexis Le Dressay, Creative Director of Eugen Systems, this one minute and a half video gives us an overview of the deck system and the possibilities it offers.
These elements will play a vital part in the story set up in METAL GEAR SOLID V: GROUND ZEROES, while familiarising users with the possibilities they offer ahead of METAL GEAR SOLID V: THE PHANTOM PAIN.
At the same time, he also refers to early video production and the possibilities it offered for the manipulation of images, for example in his graphically reduced video works Nr.
Even then, when all I could do with a Mac was publish an underground newsletter and create and sell attractive resumes for my job - seeking classmates, I was captivated by the possibility it offered.
In my experience, only a minority of lawyers in Victoria are interested in the ILP structure for the possibilities it offers to run a legal practice as a business rather than a partnership.
Central banks worldwide have treated the phenomenon with caution, although some have started exploring the possibilities it offers and even developing their own cryptocurrency.
If you've never used it before, then you might not be aware of the possibilities it offers.
However, if you like to explore the Moto Mods and the possibilities they offer, then the Moto Z Force would be your pick.
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