Sentences with phrase «possibility of a hung parliament»

ComRes puts the possibility of a hung Parliament at about 35 per cent, up from 15 per cent six months ago.
Being the party conference season, there has been much discussion about the possibility of a hung parliament at the next election.
Using different methods, pollsters are divided about the extent of the Conservative lead, but they all show the gap with Labour shrinking, making the landslide Mrs. May hoped for unlikely and even, for at least one polling company, raising the possibility of a hung Parliament.
[95] The DUP welcomed the possibility of a hung Parliament and the influence that this would bring them.
Leanne Wood has made a pitch for the votes of former Labour supporters against a backdrop of Ukip by - election victories and the possibility of a hung parliament at Westminster in May.
Certainly, we need to be prepared for the possibility of another hung parliament, and to keep our options open to deny any chance of a Tory majority government if we can.
With the opinion polls all over the place nothing is clear, but the possibility of a hung parliament has to be considered.

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Before that, the last such incident was the aftermath of the December 1923 election, when Stanley Baldwin's Conservatives became the largest party of a hung parliament without the possibility of any governing agreement with the Liberals.
Mr Clegg refused to rule out the possibility of a coalition between Labour and the Lib Dems in the scenario of a hung parliament, however.
But the interest in the possibility is at least as much a reflection of the political class's frustration with the predictability of the David Cameron versus Gordon Brown contest as of any convincing likelihood that the next parliament will be hung.
In 2011, motivated by the first hung parliament since the 1970s and encouraged by the Liberal Democrat's part in the following agreement, a referendum was held on the possibility of FPTP being replaced by the Alternative Vote (AV) system.
The Conservatives shocked everyone by winning a small majority at the 2015 General Election, despite predictions of a hung parliament and the possibility of constitutional wrangling over who had legitimacy to form the next Government.
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