Sentences with phrase «possibility of a return»

These trading opportunities present huge possibilities of returns yet they only require small amount of investment.
Are they willing to put up money for marketing and to invest their time with the very real possibility of no return?
Just as the Crucifixion embodies and makes finally real a divine movement from transcendence to immanence, a movement of an originally transcendent God into the actuality of life and experience, so too the dawning of the death of God throughout the totality of experience progressively annuls every human or actual possibility of returning to transcendence.
Ravens linebacker Ray Lewis was placed on short - term IR, allowing for the small possibility of his return this season.
The comic possibilities of a return to the»80s is frustratingly underused in the narrative, as typified by the too - brief cameo of Chevy Chase.
Numerous self - published authors report that it's easier, and far more profitable, to sell 100 to 1,000 copies of their books on a cash - on - delivery basis — without possibility of returns — than it is to sell 100 or 1,000 copies one - at - a-time through numerous retail bookstores.
The 2016 Trump election landslide and Republican down ticket success indicate a strong possibility of a return to common sense and honesty in climate science, as well as a massive voter rejection of Democrats» climate fear - mongering... catastrophic global warming skeptics should rejoice...
[Response: this is an interesting survey, and I think I took part... there are three concerns though: (1) self selection bias and (2) possibility of multiple returns from the particularly... avid (3) possibility of returns from non -(climate --RRB- scientists.
Since Musk has stated that there is no reasonable possibility of its return and since he is no longer in communication with it, it can be considered (for all intents and purposes) to be abandoned garbage unlike, for example a privately owned orbiter or a communication satellite.
Along with this automation will come the possibility of returning button - pushing marketers back to the role creatives again.
We are especially partial to cards that offer the possibility of returning your security deposit after a certain period of on - time payments, allowing you to then use that card as an unsecured credit card.
Trump's business conflicts with America's national security interests can not be resolved so long as he or any member of his family maintains a financial interest in the Trump Organization during a Trump administration, or even if they leave open the possibility of returning to the company later.
However, in our Jewish tradition, the possibility of return — teshuvah — turning away from evil to come back to a more primordial source of good, can not be denied to any person or to any people on earth.
I discussed the possibility of my return to graduate school with Nathan Scott, Jr., who was then teaching theology and literature at the University of Chicago.
By dismissing Marx's ultimate faith in the goodness of Historical progress — and by holding open the possibility of a return to a life both more human and more natural, left conservatives might seem to have freed themselves of the illusions of History.
In other words, because certain unalterable factors compel us to advance, with no possibility of return, in the direction of increasing hominization, must we conclude that biological evolution on Earth will easily achieve its purpose — that Thought will necessarily succeed in so shaping itself that in the end it will comprehend everything?
Keeping in mind Pope Francis's witness against the ongoing power of this world's prince, we would do well to heed McLuhan's warning that «There is no possibility of returning to private dress for those who are awake to the need for hostility to the values of the world.»
So I can not help but think his time at Chelsea may be coming to an end, opening up the possibility of a return to north London.
I didn't solicit or ask for the opportunity but I welcomed both him and [team executive] Mitch Kupchak into my home to discuss the possibility of my return to the Lakers as head coach.
The former Chelsea boss has already dismissed the possibility of returning to Inter for a second managerial spell, and insists that he is merely in Milan this weekend to visit Massimo Moratti and watch the game as a spectator.
There is also the possibility of a return to the Bundesliga with Wolfsburg also scouting the German international.
Discussing the possibility of a return to a mainstream motorsport championship, Monger stated his plan was «to get back into a single seater race car for 2018.»
It comes after Athletic Bilbao had reportedly launched a # 12m bid for the versatile defender, while Pedro had previously talked up the possibility of a return to Barcelona.
«The possibility of a return to Depor?
While he was keen to reiterate that he's happy in Germany and remains under contract with the Bundesliga champions until 2021, the possibility of a return to Barcelona could sway him as Ernesto Valverde's side continue to impress this season.
Real Madrid forward Cristiano Ronaldo, 29, has not ruled out the possibility of returning to Manchester United — Manchester Evening News
This week, we discuss Michigan's quarterbacks, any possibility of the return of Jedd Fisch and the future of the offense.
Liverpool chief executive Ian Ayre has confirmed that the club have spoken to Steven Gerrard about the possibility of a return on loan after he has joined LA Galaxy.
His hot form is making news back home in Poland, raising the possibility of a return to the international arena for the first time since October 2013.
Serge Gnabry has given hints on the possibility of his return to Arsenal or even a move to Chelsea after an impressive six months at Werder Bremen.
Samir Nasri claims that he will not make a return to his former club Marseille as a player, but does not rule out the possibility of returning to the club as a coach in the future.
Without a doubt, the arrival of Ruddy to the Gunners will boost his possibilities of returning to the England squad.
When speaking to the Guardian this week about the possibility of his return to Man Utd in 2013 he rather cryptically had just this to say;
With star - studded names recently added to the United roster, Pogba might give second thoughts to the possibility of a return to Old Trafford.
Listeners really liked my suggestion to speak to your employer about — possibility of returning to work in the middle of the week or the end of the week.
«Somewhere in my soul,» Stephen Lewis says, «I cherish the possibility of a return to a vibrant democracy, where...
He discussed the possibility of a return to the Labour party now that Jeremy Corbyn is in charge, and claimed that discussions about his return also took place under Ed Miliband.
He also heaped praise on Theresa May and left the door open to the possibility of a return to frontline politics, saying: «If the chance came to serve again then of course I would happily say yes, but I'm very happy being on the back benches at the moment because it gives me the opportunity to do all sorts of other things.»
Since last June, the media climate has been brutally hostile towards leaving: we've heard endless confident predictions of economic damage; warnings about the prospect of the break - up of the UK; and even the possibility of a return to confrontation in Northern Ireland.
«Hopefully no,» Senate Independent Democratic Conference leader Jeff Klein said when asked about the possibility of returning again Thursday.
Charles Kennedy has refused to rule out the possibility of returning to lead the Liberal Democrats at some time in the future.
«Recently, at the urging of many of my former Assembly constituents, I entertained the possibility of returning to public life.
But David Cameron has held open the possibility of a return to high office for Laws.
Hilary Benn has announced he is running to be chairman of the newly - formed Brexit Select Committee - ruling out the possibility of him returning to the Labour frontbench.
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