Sentences with phrase «possibility of a sequel»

«We certainly started tossing ideas for possibilities of a sequel and [writer] Travis Beacham and I are writing a proposal of ideas, but at the same time I know I don't want to do that next,» Del Toro said in November.»
When all of these things — plus the very real possibility of a sequel to The Host — come together in a mindless conclusion, bits of plot and storylines fly about and we're left with nothing but a long, tedious, misadventure that has this author writing something he never thought he would: I miss the subtle nuances of the «Twilight» series and especially the multifaceted talents of Kristen Stewart and Robert Pattinson.
Del Toro has been chatting up the possibility of a sequel since before Pacific Rim hit theaters, and based on what he discussed in various interviews, it's clear the concept has changed.
Luke Evans discusses the possibilities of a sequel to Dracula Untold and what could come of Universal's upcoming monster movie universe.
Although it sets itself up for the possibility of a sequel, as a first entry, it's a bit of a disappointment that so much expense and energy, plus some very good performances, couldn't result in a more satisfying movie.
Its structure certainly makes the possibility of a sequel worthy of consideration.
He recently discussed the possibility of a sequel.
Asked if Team Ninja developed Nioh with a sequel in mind, Hayashi said, «Our approach was to develop Nioh and think about the possibility of a sequel after analyzing the player's response to the game.»
When I spoke with them on April 8, 2011, the conversation covered the empowering quality of the fierce physcial training Ronan undertook, why the villain of the piece has red hair, and the possibility of a sequel with Wright directing the film from a story Ronan herself devises.
Speaking of Bridesmaids at the Comedy Awards, Wendi McLendon - Covey was in attendance and Laughspin asked her about the possibility of a sequel without Kristen Wiig.
Hopefully the only thing residing in Django's coffin will be Django so we won't have the possibility of another sequel.
On today's special romance edition, Seb investigates the possibility of a sequel to police -»em - up L.A. Noire and wraps up the first PlayStation Vita reviews to hit the site.
Even the possibility of sequels turns out to be a question that distracts from a successful product: A little too bombastic for a leitmotif, Monty Norman's now - familiar «James Bond Theme» follows our hero around as if testing the waters, toying with the possibility that this character could support a series.
After the first film, which was on my list of the ten best films of 2001, I was ecstatic about the possibilities of a sequel, but after this satisfying but occasionally dull entry, I'm starting to think there's no gas left in the creativity tank for our irreverent heroes.
Sleepless resolves everything and then takes it a step further to suggest the possibility of a sequel.
There's always the possibility of another sequel.
Make sure you tell your friend about the possibility of a sequel and direct them to this post as well!
High Voltage producer Joshua Olsen was recently interviewed by a Spanish podcast about the possibility of a sequel to the first - person shooter.
A little over a year ago when we chatted with the guys at High Voltage about the possibility of a sequel, they were hopeful for the future.
Publisher, Rockstar today revealed that there is a possibility of a sequel to 1940s set, crime action title, L.A. Noire.
When prodded about the possibility of the sequel arriving on other platforms, design director Jonathan Biddle coyly responded, «We're just talking about Wii U today,» which is the standard industry euphemism for, «Yeah we're making this game elsewhere as well, but our contract only let's us talk about this one today.»
These overlooked sometime become cult hits, with rabid followers such as Beyond Good and Evil, which is a game that continues to haunt the fanbase over the possibility of a sequel ever arriving.
Here is an article about Warhawk and the possibility of a sequel — Warhawk was one of the first big PSN releases for PS3.
Jersquall: Do any of the Codename team's games look like they have the possibility of sequels or even DLC in their future if successful?
Hook turned them down, then possibly escaped via a teleportation device hidden inside a giant stuffed crocodile, leaving open the possibility of a sequel.
Sonic Mania has been an undeniable hit for Sega and the Sonic franchise, making the possibility of a sequel seem inevitable.
The ending of the game opens up the possibilities of a sequel, so it'll be interesting to see what else will be done with the franchise now that the developers have started to establish a Mighty No. 9 universe.
Remedy Entertainment, the developer behind the well - received Alan Wake have shed some new light on the possibility of a sequel to their best - selling game of 2010.
A lot is expected from Quantum Break and people are already talking about the possibility of a sequel.
Right on schedule, Beyond Good & Evil series creator Michael Ancel has once again posted some more cryptic bullshit hinting at the possibility of a sequel to the beloved series.
It has been literal months since the release of the first game and while I have no doubt that discussions are taking place about the possibility of a sequel, I can't imagine pre-production has ever begun yet.
Finally, after teasing the possibility of a sequel to the 2000 Norse third - person action title Rune, it seems Human Head Studios is indeed working on a sequel.
Recently, Sony's Andrew House discussed the possibility of a sequel to Knack sometime in the future, heavily implying that a follow - up was possible to the PlayStation 4 launch title.
Head of Red Barrels, who created Outlast, Phillipe Morin hasn't ruled out the possibility of a sequel.
In delightful news, Namco Bandai's Marketing Director Lee Kirton has mentioned the possibility of a sequel to Enslaved: Odyssey to the West, one of 2010's most under appreciated gems.
In delightful news, Namco Bandai's Marketing Director Lee Kirton has mentioned the possibility of a sequel to Enslaved: Odyssey to the West, one of 2010's... [Read full story]
If you'd like to read more about this special release & the possibility of a sequel, check out our Spotlight Interview from last month with co-owner, Josh Fairhurst.
While it wasn't an outright failure of storytelling, I was sad that we'll have to wait for the possibility of a sequel to see deeper into Rob's story.
Tucked away with my love letters to Nintendo have been my ruminations on the possibility of sequels to the JRPG games dubbed the «Operation Rainfall «three on the Wii U, and the prospect that the Wii U could be known as more of a JRPG heaven than the Wii was.
Horizon Zero Dawn has been out for less than two months, but that's not stopping the team at Guerrilla Games from commenting on the possibility of a sequel.
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