Sentences with phrase «possibility of actualization»

What is explicitly true of God, however, is that God's discernment of the maximal possibility of actualization for God's beloved is indeed understandable as absolute, unsurpassable.
The line «A» represents the divine activity through which the possibilities of actualization are brought into concrete and factual existence.
This horizontal line moves from possibilities of actualization, as they are available for the actualization which will produce real entities, through the «creative nexus» (of which we shall speak in a moment), to the concrete occasions with which we are confronted in their presentational immediacy to us.

Not exact matches

In Hartshorne's case, if we are in time, then God must be in time, too; «if we could not observe the actualization of the alleged possibility «there might have been nothing,» no more could God observe it....
Again, no serious confusion need result, for the eternal object can constitute the aim only when an occasion is actively aiming at its realization; the satisfaction aimed at is always the actualization of some determinate possibility (eternal object); and the act of aiming is always directed toward such an actualization.
At other times we mean by the man's aim the actualization of a possibility.
The general realm of eternal objects expresses innumerable possibilities for actualization that are incompatible with our present world order.
What kind of satisfaction the initial aim is directed toward is determined by the relevant possibility for its actualization, as established by its past, that will give it the greatest intensity of feeling and also contribute maximally to the future of the nexus of which it is a part.
The realm of possibilities transcends any particular actuality not only insofar as the latter is open to new possibilities, but also insofar as particular actuality is itself only one of the many possible forms of its own actualization.
'' «Creativity» is the principle of novelty (Process2l), according to Whitehead, but what would be new if «an actualization is [merely] a selection among possibilities» (Science 159) since a decision only selects among items already delineated before the decision?
If possibilities have, item for item, all the qualities of the corresponding actualities, then actualization is meaningless and indeed adds no value....
Since any momentary experience is a complex creative unification of data from the past and a grasping for the actualization of possibilities, there is always some degree of harmony.
The mental occasion provides for the possibility of novelty, unobtainable in the simpler model of purely physical actual occasions, but it also means that actualization may require two successive unifications, one physical, one mental.
Or, as Bergson said, it is a «retrospective illusion» based on the tendency of our imagination to project the actual present event into the past where it allegedly existed prior to its actualization as a «fully specified possibility» -LRB-!)
Yet the future may also be described by combining (M, M) and (M, P) as the direction taken by a process of actualization of previously unactualized possibilities.
The eschatological character of the symbol indicates that the future is indeed open and that we are continually presented with possibilities for decision and actualization.
Actualizations of possibilities come in definite bits, only possibilities can be continuous.
In this sense one is always on the way toward the actualization of some possibility for thought, feeling, or action.
This conviction indeed can be powerfully liberating and can contribute to the actualization of possibilities of the exercise of freedom which otherwise would be ignored.
There is, to be sure, Hartshorne's often repeated argument that since the simultaneous actualization of all possibilities is logically impossible (since some logically exclude others), the notion of a unique maximum of perfection makes no sense.31 But this argument construes perfection in a crude, quantitative way that is, to say the least, not inevitable.
Through the agency of the World, therefore, the multifaceted aspects of this primordial structuring of possibility as suffused with divine appetition seek multiple, finite, concrete actualization.
And Anselm's idea that «God is whatever it is better to be than not to be» 33 is poles apart from the notion of the actualization of all possibilities.
In doing this, we have also seen how one of the consequences of authentic preaching is a determination, established in the hearts and minds and wills of those who have assisted at worship, to give themselves more fully to the service of God — as «co-creators», in Whitehead's fine word, with God in the great work of «amorization», establishing in this world (so far as a finite order will permit it) a society marked by caring, justice, responsibility, interest in others, and relief from oppression, devoted to everything positive which promotes the fullest actualization of human possibility.
The aim for most occasions seems to be that the aim be experienced as a possibility for actualization without reference to its source, but in some instances realization of the reference to the source may be a part of the aim.
Such actualization, on the one hand, provides new possibilities to the subsequent entities otherwise lacking and, on the cither, compels the later entities to take account of particular aspects of the earlier.
The problem of power is not just a matter of the actualization of possibilities.
- poses the possibility of experiencing a defamiliarization of the reality structures of being - in - the - world and with it an actualization of a new self - awareness that is both liberated and liberating.
Rather he serves as a lure for actualization, providing novel possibilities of achievement.
with the totality of the possibilities God envisages for the world, Christ, its incarnation, is seen in the actualization of any radically new and creative possibilities derived from God.
The Word or speech of God symbolized the divine activity whereby new structural possibilities for the emergence of greater complexity become lures of feeling for further actualization.
Here «incarnation» does not refer so much to the actualization as to the embodiment of divine aims in the lives of people, whereby the very abstract aims conceptually entertained in God's primordial experience are transformed into concrete possibilities or effective lures for our action and self - understanding.
The actualization of this potentiality and of the further possibilities it opens up for men depends upon social relationships.
Rather, it is the basis of actuality, because it is the foundation for the actualization of possibilities.
This allows, in turn, the composition of the subjective aim of the concrescing occasion at its own self - actualization being determined finally by its own modification or shaping of the various possibilities granted it through the aims at fulfillment for it of all the actual occasions in its past (CNT 96).
Whitehead suggests that God experiences the past actual world confronting each individual occasion in process of actualization, and selects for it that ideal possibility which would achieve the maximum good compatible with its situation.
As a factor of an actual entity an eternal object is a real possibility for the determinate actualization of some datum.
To what extent is the being of occasions a real and concrete being in contrast to the abstract being of eternal objects whose abstract essence can be defined solely as the possibility of a concrete actualization in an occasion?
Not only has the church subjected its members to a hierarchical relationship of dependency vis a vis the Christ that would preclude the actualization of such a divine potentiality, but as a participant in the culture of the Western world, the church has been captive to a five - hundred - year trajectory of material rationality that has eclipsed the reality of possibility.
What I should claim, however, is that in a manner appropriate to the particular level and in a fashion suitable for the particular occasion, however «large» or «small», there is such «decision» as entails a «cutting off» of this or that possibility for actualization and an «acceptance» of this or that other possibility.
First, the mutual incompatibility of the manifold orders of possibility would prevent such a once - and - for - all actualization; but second, and more important, is the fact that the PN of God is inexhaustible.
The claim is that, in order for the process of actualization to be possible at all, «antecedent limitations» must be applied to the multiplicity of possibilities, and these are carried out in the «conceptual envisagement» of the total multiplicity of eternal objects, or ideal forms, by God.
Nowhere does Whitehead justify his understanding of each possibility as being fully determinate, with a clear identity, prior to actualization.
The latter would be an actualization of a possibility derived from God even if quite distinct from and opposed to God's ideal aim.
Thus when we have admitted all that we must admit concerning man's helplessness in his concrete situation, we must go on to affirm all that we can affirm concerning man's possibility of perfection — which means, in this context, his potentiality for becoming completely («perfectly» or in full actualization) the man who loves.
Instead of coercing the universe into prefabricated molds it lures or persuades the cosmos toward the actualization of new possibilities.7 Thus the term «Designer» seems inappropriate as the primary image of this metaphysical principle.
God's omniscience is not «inaccurate»: that is, God is not confused about matters already settled, possibilities unresolved, and the current moment of self - actualization.
A markedly novel actualization, in all its surprising character, henceforth enjoys the status of a real possibility which may be tensionally related, via memory and imagination, to the ever renewed demands of the present perceptual environment.
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