Sentences with phrase «possibility of an afterlife»

Striving to contextualize a curiosity with possibilities of afterlife, lingering ideas and impressions and the meanings we place on things provides Gamble with the path on her journey of understanding the ultimate existential question of existence.
Everyone is free to believe what they want to believe, but the possibility of an afterlife has not been dis - proven.
But a $ 5 - million academic grant, to be centered at UC Riverside, may go a long way toward gaining insights into the possibility of an afterlife and delving into what science and culture say about immortality.
I don't totally discount the possibility of an afterlife of some sort for both man and beast, but don't feel the universe owes me that comfort.
A prominent scientist who had previously dismissed the possibility of the afterlife says he has reconsidered his belief after experiencing an
Aidan and Sarah aren't particularly religious, or even vaguely spiritual, which is just one reason they feel blindsided by the looming death of a parent: In one late scene, they lament that they don't know how to explain death, or the possibility of an afterlife, to their kids because they don't know what they believe themselves.
After 2009's Invictus, Clint Eastwood returned to form with this past year's Hereafter - a very engrossing dissection of the possibility of an afterlife.
For each of the three, the possibility of an afterlife is a question to which they seek answers each in different ways, and the film satisfying inter-cuts the three stories.
The original Flatliners featured a then hot young cast that included Kiefer Sutherland, Julia Roberts and Kevin Bacon playing medical students who all team up to participate in dangerous experiments investigating the possibility of an afterlife.
It stands to reason that a man over 100 years old would have death and the possibility of an afterlife on his mind.
how to survive your own death features features 200 works by Colby Caldwell raising questions about death, rebirth and the possibility of an afterlife.
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