Sentences with phrase «possibility of death»

It sends them and their babies into the dark ages of medical care — where women give birth with no medical care at all and face the very real possibility of death as a consequence.
It sends them and their babies into the dark ages of medical care - where women give birth with no medical care at all and face the very real possibility of death as a consequence.
Senna / United Kingdom (Director: Asif Kapadia; Screenwriter: Manish Pandey)-- The story of the legendary racing driver and Brazilian hero Ayrton Senna takes us on the ultimate journey of what it means to become the greatest when faced with the constant possibility of death.
The real possibility of his death overcame me and I began to cry, occasionally having to move to another room to try — and fail — to collect myself.
It would have been perfectly valid to present the statistical risks and then state that you find the risks sufficiently low that the pleasure you derived from bed - sharing with your infant was worth the remote possibility of their death.
* For those of us who complain about the «daily grind», one cancer patient offered this piece of advice: «The opportunity to continue to grapple with «the daily grind» becomes a «blessing» when confronted with the imminent possibility of death
But unfortunately, even with the real possibility of death looming on the horizon, the sense of urgency in this dialogue - driven film is often underplayed.
When you're not beating down goons with your fists of mighty fury you'll mostly be spending your time traversing the environment using the now pretty typical Uncharted style of platforming, with your route very clearly highlighted and the only possibility of death coming if you deliberately hurl yourself into space.
Rather than having a reasonable expectation of a jail sentence shortened by some future prisoner swap, he now faces the very real possibility of a death sentence the next time his co-conspirators engage in terrorism.
The World Cinema Audience Award: Documentary was presented to Senna, directed by Asif Kapadia; written by Manish Pandey, about legendary racing driver and Brazilian hero Ayrton Senna, taking us on the ultimate journey of what it means to become the greatest when faced with the constant possibility of death.
His brother, Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, 19, is being held at a prison hospital west of Boston awaiting trial on charges that carry the possibility of the death penalty.
The last he accepted as a result of his involvement in the terrors of the second world war (described in The Plague and The Rebel) and the other two when he had to face the possibility of death from tuberculosis (discussed in his earliest writings).
As so many patients with major stroke die within six months, researchers suggest that care should reflect the possibility of death and disability.
Team leaders were aware of differences in personalities and skills — the climbers» ability to handle altitude, resilience in dealing with the cold and other hazards, motivation to climb in the face of almost certain frostbite and the possibility of death — and this knowledge helped sort the team into very compatible and successful subteams.
On some level, family members prepare for the possibility of death, but they don't prepare for the possibility of severe disability.
The thought of me standing in an ice chamber at -80 degrees C for three minutes fills me with dread and the possibility of death.
Unrequited love, terminal illnesses, the possibility of death and squandered dreams?
Add in various moments of falling in love and dealing with the possibilities of death and you have your movie.
Violence: Throughout the movie, characters are dealing with the possibility of the death of a loved one, which causes great stress, grief and sorrow.
They also discover that the possibility of death is ever present as they find that they only have three lives to spend before it.
Then they choreographed a modern dance that grappled with the peril of his undertaking and the possibility of death.
Our estimates do not include the possibility of death, disability, and retirement.
We are never closer to life than when we brush up against the possibility of death.
If you have an indoor cat, this can be especially problematic as your cat will continually try to escape from your house, which not only leads to getting lost, but also the possibility of death by cars.
Thus we have our narrative; 25 floors of enemies to shoot with the possibility of death around every corner and one burning question; what the hell is going on?
One of the top contemporary artists to specialize in performance art, the Serbian artist Marina Abramovic is famous for her high - risk performances that confront pain and even the possibility of death.
When you're ready to think about the possibility of death or incapacity, creating a Will and an estate plan is the best way to take care of your family.
The possibility of death or serious injury from working in an unguarded trench is real.
The possibility of death before the issuing of the final appeal judgment is a particular problem in leadership trials.
Therefore, the major difference between Whole Life Insurance policies and different types of Term Life Insurance policies lies in the fact that the former protect you against the inevitable - your death that can befall you at any time, whereas the latter protect you against the possibility of your death within the period when your coverage is in effect, be it one year, five years, or thirty years.
Term Life Insurance Term life insurance is an easy an affordable way to protect your family from the possibility of your death and loss of income.
Term life insurance is an easy an affordable way to protect your family from the possibility of your death and loss of income.
It is imperative to consider the possibility of death especially when there are young children in the picture.
The problem is that we don't want to think about the possibility of death.
When used in that way, a deferred annuity is basically an account that happens to have some of the features of an annuity: certain tax characteristics, and perhaps some guarantees made by an insurance company (including the possibility of a death benefit).
You believe that when you are young the possibility of death is a far - fetched idea.
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