Sentences with phrase «possibility of love»

Anything is a story about the infinite possibility of love.
The crucifixion shows the real possibility of love, and so calls us to turn and accept God's love.
All believe that human beings are called to realize possibilities of love, to withdraw from present structures of oppression and injustice, and to actualize the possibilities of liberation and justice.
Unfortunately, men often follow these same self - destructive dead - end patterns over and over again, sinking possibilities of love into the netherworld in the process.
Whatever possibility of a love story between Elizabeth and Raleigh exists is sidestepped for an underwhelming love triangle when Bess and Raleigh fall for each other.
She has begun to discover the solid substance of her own being in this possibility of love which is incarnate in the other person.
But though the possibility of love for the neighbor is not derived from the present situation, it is relevant to that situation.
From our relations to one another come the possibilities of love, fellowship, and mutual service.
Part of the controversy over the possibility of love derives from misunderstandings of what the problem is.
W. E. Sangster, whose study of Wesley's doctrine of perfection we have noted, is closer to the pietist tradition, and he affirms the possibility of love more unequivocally than does Niebuhr.
To love ourselves for God's sake is the highest form of love as Bernard said.4 It is the possibility of that love we are seeking.
A second confusion which attends the discussion of the possibility of love is related to the problem of perfectionism.
Too often, though, these solid citizens can not break through the walls of prejudice and habit, economic security and «what will the neighbors think», to reach the possibilities of love and freedom and justice to which God calls us.
What we have seen in the funeral of John Paul II and the election of Benedict XVI is the possibility of loving the faith as a human gift that is received, and in that very reception acknowledging its contingency and fragility.
Above all, however, human existence (whatever may and must be said about other levels of existence in the cosmos) is characterized by the possibility of loving.
These online dating sites are loaded with these kinds of predators who look for women they perceive to be vulnerable, like single mothers, and use flattery mixed with the possibility of love and family to subdue them into sexual submission.
Aideen is an amazing heart centered soul and she came to me with one goal in mind, to begin to open her heart to the possibilities of love again.
With or without a date, my advice is to try and enjoy Valentine's Day and be open to the possibilities of love, or hanging out with friends.
Being single is less complicated, but doesn't anyone believe in the possibility of love anymore?
Ali and her team certainly put in the effort to open people's hearts and minds to the possibility of love.
Gradually, Laurel helped the Catholic single get past her unnecessary hangups and stay open to the possibility of love wherever it found her.
You probably spent a great deal of time binge watching romantic movies in hopes of finding inspiration and motivation to open your heart to the possibility of loving again.
And the possibilities of love in this day and age shouldn't be that hard given the many dating sites on the internet.
With so many singles looking to find love, it is not surprising that companies increasingly offer people the possibility of love for other singles, and there are many choices on the offer.
If you find yourself listening eagerly when friends share first date stories, or have toyed with the idea of signing up for a mature dating site, it's a good sign that you're at least open to the possibility of love.
It's not necessarily about allocating a specific time slot each week, but rather making room for the possibility of love in general.
Based on Nicholas Sparks's best - selling novel, director Luis Mandoki's romantic drama explores the possibility of love amid heartache.
Violante Placido exudes sensuality as the prostitute who dangles the possibility of love in front of Jack (while packing a pistol in her purse).
Once again, the melancholic central character is a man who awakens to the possibility of love and connection with another human being.
Optimistic because the way it views the world is through a scrim of absolute cynicism — and despite it, despite all the towers falling down, there's the possibility of love, sweet and simple, between Ms. Kubelik and Mr. Baxter.
We're supposed to believe that Adam believes in the possibility of love and that he genuinely cares about Emma, but every moment of emotional sincerity he has is offset by, not even kidding, scatological humor.
Alex Pettyfer's character bounces from purposefully distant to embracing the possibility of love and normality.
Unearthed family secrets, however, will lead to the kind of betrayal that eventually break the Morgan family apart forever, but Truly's reckoning with her own demons allows for both an uprooting of Aberdeen County, and the possibility of love in unexpected places.
After meeting a young Anatolian merchant, Aeliana finally begins to believe in the possibility of love, in spite of the constant threat of a co-worker's violence.
I agree with Donna that AJ had loved his wife, and had been prepared to love his unborn child... so, his ablility to integrate little Maya into his life is believable because she arrives at just the time when AJ needed to re-open himself to the possibility of love.
My project is to inform young people about the only history that they can claim, with all the terror and hopeless that attends that history, while, at the same time, trying to present hope and the possibility of love of self and self - respect.
In the latest book from Joyce (The Unlikely Pilgrimage of Harold Fry), which was our January 2018 Top Pick in Fiction, a vinyl record shop owner discovers the possibility of love.
With breathtaking imagery and lyrical prose, Diffenbaugh makes Letty's growth from a troubled young mother to a responsible woman who learns to put her children first, but also allows herself the possibility of love, entirely believable; hers is a hard - won victory you will cheer even as you wish this graceful, moving book would never end.»
A beautiful evocation of a place that can't help but change us and a testament to the unshakable lure of home, The Alaskan Laundry also offers an unforgettable story of one woman's journey from isolation back to the possibility of love.
Senior citizens need to purchase Arlington renters insurance to protect their properties and take away the possibility of a loved one or family member being left behind with a financial burden.
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