Sentences with phrase «possibility of medical emergencies»

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You skewed my words regarding «managing» my birth... the whole point of the midwife is to alert the mother of the possibility of a problem, just like an OB so then a proper course of action can be taken... I was merely saying that they don't think of birth as a medical emergency from the beginning, requiring things that are unnecessary, like constant monitoring because it's easier than intermittent monitoring, or restricting maternal intake because the doctor could get puked on, or have fecal matter excreted during delivery is selfish (and yes, I know, the mother could aspirate, but the rate of that is low too... and I'm not saying they need to eat a steak dinner... but denying a drink of water, or a popsicle during a long labor is just ridiculous, as is rushing a natural process for convenience sake.)
Emergency Medical Fund The Emergency Medical Fund enables us to provide life - saving medical care to injured or sick cats and dogs who arrive at our shelter; these animals would otherwise face the possibility of euthanasia without the medical treatment necessary to rehabilitatMedical Fund The Emergency Medical Fund enables us to provide life - saving medical care to injured or sick cats and dogs who arrive at our shelter; these animals would otherwise face the possibility of euthanasia without the medical treatment necessary to rehabilitatMedical Fund enables us to provide life - saving medical care to injured or sick cats and dogs who arrive at our shelter; these animals would otherwise face the possibility of euthanasia without the medical treatment necessary to rehabilitatmedical care to injured or sick cats and dogs who arrive at our shelter; these animals would otherwise face the possibility of euthanasia without the medical treatment necessary to rehabilitatmedical treatment necessary to rehabilitate them.
There are many specific travel insurance policies offering protection against various unwelcome possibilities while away from home, including of course: emergency medical assistance, trip cancellation insurance and baggage loss insurance, to name a few.
When you have the option to buy health insurance from your home country, the insurance policy should be such that it covers possibilities of all medical costs and emergencies during the entire period of your stay.
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