Sentences with phrase «possibility of that happening»

Since there's the very real possibility of it happening, our organic church group talked about what we would do if a gay couple wanted to come to our meetings.
Well, there is a certain possibility of happening so, and if so, then the question is, what are you going to do about it?
That does not mean that further rises could not happen; it only means that in our present estimation there is no longer a more than 50 per cent possibility of it happening.
I don't see any serious possibility of that happening... We were quite critical of the education reforms.
But because of the the very real possibility of this happening, and the very historical nature of it if it does, I couldn't resist.
If this situation goes at this rate than some of us will have a heart - attack and not to mention possibility of it happening at emirates before 60000 people and players, i've given it a thought maybe a time - out from arsenal football club is what the fans need and you know watch some other leagues like bundes - liga or french league or even MLS you know cause those leagues won't hurt you!
It is the inconceivable possibility of this happening to the revered Mamá Imelda, that first alerts Miguel to the fact that his own ancestors are there in the Land of the Dead, attempting to pass into the living world, as they have done every year for generations.
I'm not saying it's going to happen, I just figure that there is a strong possibility of it happening, especially if Microsoft advertises the Xbox Pass like crazy.
It seems to me that he makes a good case for «more alarmism», i.e. scientist must speak out and say that we should seriously consider a sea level rise > 1 m on a century scale, because there is a non-negligible possibility of that happening.
I believe the only possibility of this happening is if scientists begin to develop a backbone, and resist the lure of all the money being thrown at them, to the tune of billions of dollars each year, to produce results that politicians and the United Nations urgently desire in order to justify policies that will, unfortunately, dramatically reduce human liberty and prosperity.
It's so important Bolton get off to a good start and in a home fixture with Fulham, who haven't made any notable additions over the summer as well as the late appointment of Mark Hughes leading to possible confusion in tactics and formation, there's a real possibility of that happening.
President's Donald Trump is poised to have a historic meeting with North Korean leader Kim Jong Un, and Trump administration officials didn't rule out the possibility of it happening in the White House.
We believe that the possibility of this happening in the next 2 - 4 years is highly unlikely.
So, no harm done here, but I wanted to share my experiences so people know there may be a possibility of this happening depending on certain clothing items being made differently... It has not stopped me from loving this soap though!
Flood clean - up is no fun, nor looking forward to the possibility of it happening again.
True, there's still a possibility of this happening especially since things seem to be going array at Barcelona.
But the possibility of that happening is more likely than not.
Spurs were exposed for the second goal at Stamford Bridge on the Chelsea right, and Rose will look to eliminate the possibility of this happening again.
One of my clients, Katie (name changed to protect confidentiality), had a history of two miscarriages and was anxious about the possibility of this happening again.
I've thought about the possibility of this happening to me and what I would do (I'm delivering with midwives in a birth center) and this was so helpful!
Given the recent government shutdown in the US, there have been a lot of related questions here wondering about the possibility of it happening in the UK, Australia, and so on.
«The possibility of this happening at either 199 or 191 can not be allowed to in any way delay PCB remediation efforts at either school,» Shuffler said.
However people need to be aware of self - fulfilling prophecies where our negative expectations stop us even looking for love, because the reality is that you're much more likely to make a meaningful connection if you believe in the possibility of it happening
Or is it strictly a matter of good luck and word of mouth when a novel becomes the novel everyone is talking about, making the possibility of this happening the same for a Big Five author as it is for even a self - published author?
But just the possibility of it happening has publishers and some authors up in arms.
The possibility of it happening is all the discouragement they need to steer clear of car title loan.
If you wish to fill out the surrender form, just know that we would rather help you keep your dog, so note any possibility of that happening if you could get that helping hand.
Smaller breed dogs are at higher risk for developing milk fever, but any dog has the possibility of it happening.
In light of the Me Too Facebook statuses, I decided to share my personal story on sexual harassment and why I don't let the possibility of it happening while traveling stop me from going solo.
Of course Mr. Spencer was specific enough to say Xbox games aren't coming to Android, nothing about Microsoft PC games though so there is always a possibility of that happening.
It is good to see that SEGA is still open to the idea of it, so a possibility of it happening is not completely off the table.
I don't know what the possibilities of this happening are but imagine if Blizzard and Nintendo made some sort of deal to have some of their games published.
In the end, they had to settle for the possibility of this happening in the COP19 talks taking place in Poland next year.
The possibility of this happening was clearly not a surprise, nor was the result catastrophic; the roof slowly deflated and came to rest on its cables.
(He thought the likelihood of an event occurring commenced at say 60 % and the possibility of it happening ended at say 40 %.
«No one wants to be sued so [the solicitors] want to prevent the possibility of that happening by participating in the case, to help argue that it was not barred by time,» he says.
While it's rare for buildings to be leveled completely by flames, there's always the possibility of it happening sometime in the future.
Fortunately, Ledger has anticipated the possibility of this happening.
So while there's no way to predict if the Note 8 will catch fire like its predecessor, the possibility of that happening again is highly unlikely; Samsung knows what is at stake here.
You can reduce the chances of a catastrophic breakage of glass, but you can not eliminate the possibility of it happening.
Which is somewhat fair and there is a possibility of it happening, albeit a small one.
The company did say «at least 2 years,» which suggests a possibility of that happening.
The possibility of this happening could give Samsung Pay the boost that it needs to get ahead of Apple Pay.
We highly doubt the possibility of that happening.
However, even if the business doesn't inform a job seeker that social media background checks could be used in the process of hiring, it is important to be aware of the possibility of this happening.
By not adding a stranger on LinkedIn, you are stopping the possibility of its happening.
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