Sentences with phrase «possible cooling»

Other possible cool - downs containing casein include milk chocolate and some beans and nuts.
For now, this new partnership has made possible some cool new custom sideplates for Astro's A40 line of headsets.
We might add on to that another 0.1 degrees of possible cooling, giving us -0.2 degrees, yet leaving the alarmist story intact.
END EXCERPT, taken from CCNet 123/06 — 15 September 2006 [My comment: the possible cooling from the Kyoto protocol alone has long been described as trivial by opponents, and as only a bit of what's needed by proponents.
They forecast a plateau in warming and some possible cooling over North America and Europe in the coming decade, probably driven by shifts in ocean circulation in the North Atlantic and other ocean cycles that can affect climate.
He discusses CO2's impact on climate and then aerosol's (both volcanic and human) possible cooling and / or warming impacts.
Even with a possible cool end to the year, 2010 is expected to be no lower than third in a record where 1998 and 2005 are warmest.
Extra greenhouse gases have a warming effect over land but a possible cooling effect over water.
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