Sentences with phrase «possible defection»

The phrase "possible defection" means the likelihood or chance that someone may leave or abandon a group, an organization, or a team they were previously part of. Full definition
However, Piccoli thinks this option remains unlikely: «Despite some common ground, there are significant differences between them... A deal would entail significant risks for both Di Maio and (Lega leader Matteo) Salvini, including possible defections and a loss of popularity.»
While the House is far from vulnerable for Republicans, maintaining a strong majority allows for a stronger caucus and leeway for possible defections.
Douglas Carswell faced a media scrum in the rain asking about further possible defections, the Rochester and Strood by - election, and TV leader debates for the 2015 general election.
Asked about other possible defections, he replied: «We have these conversations.
One alarm bell that sounded Thursday was the possible defection of Sen. Marco Rubio from voting yes on the tax bill, putting the measure in peril.
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