Sentences with phrase «possible diagnosis»

When he opened the door to the patient's room, he'd noticed that certain smells were not present, narrowing the range of possible diagnoses.
Your pet's doctor will then discuss possible diagnosis and a treatment plan as needed.
If you suspect arthritis but it has not been diagnosed, your veterinarian should examine your pet to rule out other possible diagnoses before an appointment for therapy can be made.
It seemed like I'd get a different possible diagnosis at every visit.
Possible diagnoses associated with aging might be include depression or anxiety.
Your veterinarian will discuss possible diagnosis and further diagnostic and / or treatment plans, if warranted.
He avoided looking at people's faces — «there's too much information there» — which may have contributed to the state's three possible diagnoses for him: Asperger's syndrome, depression or schizoid personality disorder.»
Clinical case conferences were held to exclude possible diagnoses not covered in the ADIS - C / P (i.e., Pervasive Developmental Disorder).
The best possible diagnosis from the available visual data was septic arthritis, they report online today in Royal Society Open Science.
The avatars in the Virtual Patient Project give medical students life - like practice in interviewing patients, delving into health histories and narrowing possible diagnoses.
His list of possible diagnoses reads like a tabulation of esoterica, a group of diseases I've almost never encountered in any patient during my entire clinical career: livedo vasculitis; polyarteritis nodosa, Wegener's, cryoglobulinemia.
Referring individuals for possible diagnosis if there is evidence of prenatal exposure to alcohol at levels associated with adverse brain function
To further enhance earliest possible diagnosis, this Dream Team plans to create a blood test for identifying individuals at risk for PDAC who would be candidates for early detection using imaging technology.
Veterinarians use the information obtained from taking a careful history, performing a physical examination and ordering certain diagnostic procedures to help formulate a list of possible diagnoses.
Sad, but also sorta good in a way, since it's better than other possible diagnoses.
Oscar's technology will then serve up possible diagnoses and recommend doctors who treat those symptoms.
Since around twelve weeks, we've been dealing with a series of possible diagnoses, which have brought us to the official diagnosis of HLHS.
It does not deny the possible diagnosis of «hyperative» or «ADHD».
If true, this seemingly innocuous point could narrow his problem down to only one or two possible diagnoses, one of them being heavy metal poisoning.
If I considered inflammatory bowel disease was a likely or possible diagnosis, then I would recommend diagnostic ileo - colonoscopy with multiple biopsies.
Because of this, the authors say, doctors should consider anisakiasis as a possible diagnosis for patients who have symptoms such as abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, digestive bleeding, bowel obstruction, perforation, or abdominal inflammation and have recently eaten raw or undercooked fish.
The importance of testosterone therapy for bone health should not be downplayed or overlooked when faced with a possible diagnosis of osteopenia or osteoporosis.
Garbus is too smart to link, directly, Simone's possible diagnosis with her most inflammatory statements, those times when the anger overwhelmed her artistry.
We will discuss a possible diagnosis and treatment plan if warranted.
If your dog has several of the symptoms above, your vet should consider Cushing's disease as a possible diagnosis.
In any case, whenever a dog is coughing, a vet visit is highly recommended to sort out possible diagnoses and treatment options.
Together, our doctors will discuss a possible diagnosis and treatment plan with you if this is warranted.
Demodectic mange, some insect bites, and other skin conditions are other possible diagnoses.
Once the tests have been performed, which can usually be done during the same visit, your doctor will discuss a possible diagnosis and treatment plan if warranted.
Once the tests have been run, which can usually be done in the practice, your doctor will discuss a possible diagnosis and treatment plan if warranted.
These notes are provided to help you understand the diagnosis or possible diagnosis of cancer in your pet.
If you are using test results in an attempt to eliminate coronavirus from a group of cats, or rule coronavirus in or out of a cat's possible diagnosis, be sure that the most sensitive tests are used.
Never overlook bloat and torsion as a possible diagnosis in smaller dogs as well.
The size of the pancreas and adjacent organs should also be documented to make a possible diagnosis.
It is important to understand that actually seeing and examining a pet allows some possible diagnoses to be ruled out even though they sound like they may be present based on clinical signs.
Parvoviral infection must be considered as a possible diagnosis in any young dog with vomiting and / or diarrhea.
They were upfront and honest with us about the possible diagnoses, surgery, and costs.
The vet performs a thorough physical exam of the dog to troubleshoot problems and draw up a list of possible diagnosis.
For this reason, a vet may fail to consider EPI as a possible diagnosis in other breeds and not pursue EPI testing: a trypsin - like immunoreactivity (TLI) blood test.
For example, Smokey informs about the current air quality in the city, where one is located and then automatically informs about deteriorations, and Gyant analyses disease symptoms and directs the user to a possible diagnosis.
Did the hospital doctors delay in carrying out an MRI scan, delay in undertaking surgery, fail to consider CES as a possible diagnosis, fail to refer you to appropriate specialist?
Rather than learning a different treatment for each and every possible diagnosis, we might adopt a more generalist approach that could be applied across diagnoses.
As I am also a parent of a child with disabilities, I have seen the discussions done well where there was open communication about intent, possible diagnoses, preferred treatments or therapies where available regular versus traditional approaches.
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