Sentences with phrase «possible explosion»

ESA investigators now believe the impact and possible explosion of Schiaparelli produced the dark patch, which is five and half kilometers west of the bullseye touchdown they had hoped for.
Now, it's possible the explosion of flat Earth content on Reddit, Twitter and Instagram could mean more young millennials are exposed to the debunked theory, accounting for the relatively high number who didn't vehemently affirm their belief in a round Earth.
His main reason for pressing ahead with the «Muslim Y,» as he called it, was «national security» — a possible explosion of anger in the Muslim world.
They have a very complex operating cycle and create numerous difficulties for engineers, in terms of ignition or possible explosions.
It's possible the explosions have simply gone unnoticed, says physicist John Beacom of Ohio State University in Columbus; light can be lost in the mess of gas and dust in the galaxy.
An image taken by the Palomar Observatory Sky Survey reveals a possible explosion in the year 1954 at the location of iPTF14hls (left), not seen in a later image taken in 1993 (right).
SpaceX CEO Elon Musk has admitted that the first flight of the Falcon Heavy rocket, which will have 27 Merlin engines, as opposed to the Falcon 9's nine, might not work, going so far as to make comments about another possible explosion.
After a helicopter crashes, the passengers are threatened with a possible explosion.
May 12, 2018 • Hawaii's Kilauea volcano continues to belch smoke and lava on the Big Island and the U.S. Geological Survey warns of possible explosions to come.
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