Sentences with phrase «possible misinterpretation»

The phrase "possible misinterpretation" means that there is a chance for someone to understand or translate something incorrectly. Full definition
Limitations include a small sample size, subjective measures and possible misinterpretation of the Parent Behavior Questionnaire prior to the intervention.
Instead of simply displaying a final P value — the odds of getting a significant result by chance if the experiment were repeated many times — the output includes intermediate results and offers cautions about possible misinterpretations.
But when I first came across the brand, I couldn't help but ponder over their blithe disregard on possible misinterpretations.
A knowledge of the religious background of the historical process under study will give meaning to much that would otherwise be obscure, will guard against possible misinterpretations, and might, even, lead to new perspectives on our own history and culture.
There was nothing withheld — quite the contrary, * more * explanation was suggested in order to prevent possible misinterpretation, deliberate or otherwise.]
Instead of my possible MISinterpretation, Please just tell me what you REALLY mean.
Nor should any position be rejected because of possible misinterpretation.
I think the problem occasioning this possible misinterpretation concerns the being to be assigned a genetic phase.
This description is, however, quite broad but it gives just enough support to direct any possible misinterpretation to an adequate institution that can handle it.
Mr Freddie Blay hinted he may have been misunderstood when he was credited with solely financing the deal, pointing to a possible misinterpretation of his «Twi» interview on Asempa FM where he first indicated publicly of the coming project.
The second mistake occurred in the possible misinterpretation of the distress rockets fired off by the Titanic.
Take the time to go through your information and make sure that there are no possible misinterpretations to the information you've provided.
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