Sentences with phrase «possible responses»

My experience from sitting with teams planning their next steps is that the variety of possible response strategies increases with more team members who participate.
Just before beginning, instill confidence in your writing by imagining you've already received the best possible response from the recruiter.
This helps to illustrate risks and possible response strategies to deal with possible impacts.
Everything about the choices in this panel speak to high refresh rates and low as possible response times.
With growth weaker than expected, there are few worse possible responses than raising VAT.
Using hypothetical scenarios removes the heightened emotions that students typically experience in social settings and allows them to work through possible responses more slowly than they might in practice.
I can not necessarily answer all of these, but here are my thoughts and insights into what possible responses could be.
I, once, created a game for a college course on classroom management where learners were presented with a scenario and provided several possible response options.
We're challenged by our senior executives to scan the horizon, to detect emerging issues and suggest possible responses.
The questions below are the most common; possible responses also are included.
This allows us to give you the fastest possible response to your questions.
There are, however, implications of biblical faith which may help to inform possible responses to the ethical issues raised by the debate.
Should you post a profile at lots of sites in order to maximize possible responses?
The case will help educators explore the issues they may face, in their different contexts, and to assess possible responses.
How might this impact our world and what ways should we be thinking about possible responses?
I've set out six possible responses below that correspond to different types of firms I've encountered over the years.
Each scenario will include a dilemma, and you will be requested to choose the best (or worst) response or to rate possible responses to the situation.
The last chapter of the document discusses a range of possible responses to address the impacts identified at both national and project levels.
Like most dating sites there really isn't one single way to get the best possible response.
It uses machine intelligence and neural networks to suggest up to three possible responses for incoming email, based on the content of those emails.
Learning to identify an urgent problem, to understand its multifaceted nature, and to think through possible responses is relevant to much of life.
with possible responses ranging from «never» to «always.»
Instead of just showing an animal a picture and training it to respond every time it reappeared, Miller varied the number of possible responses by adding a second cue.
But if you believe otherwise, then the only possible response to Francis's effort is opposition.
For potatoes, the women were asked if they had consumed baked, boiled, or mashed potatoes, fries or potato chips, with possible responses ranging from «never» to «six or more times a day.»
What I liked most was how the interviewer really did his homework, so the questions were in depth, informed, comprehensive, evocative, and led to the richest possible responses from Paul.
The Holy Spirit makes possible the response of faith to Jesus Christ as he is mediated to us in the witness of the early Christian community.
Responding to Requests for Salary Requirements or Salary Histories — A detailed article on determining your worth as an employee, and on possible responses to the «previous salaries» question.
The paper also considers possible responses to these challenges.»
This convenient location allows us to service your needs in the quickest possible response time with a minimum amount of fuss and inconvienence.
The article also explores possible responses, and includes this apt comment from Professor Jacob about the status quo:
Some of our authors examine possible responses to laws that can not be obeyed by conscientious citizens» ranging from noncompliance to resistance to civil disobedience to morally justified revolution.
Possible responses included ADHD, anxiety disorder, autism spectrum disorder, bipolar disorder, conduct disorder, depression, disruptive disorder not otherwise specified, intermittent explosive disorder, oppositional defiant disorder, substance abuse, and none.
Now that the new update has added Google Assistant to Google app, users of newer versions of Android will finally be able to make queries and receive the best possible responses even with multiple questions asked.
In a panel discussion following a Saturday screening of the film in New York, Sarkeesian — a San Francisco entrepreneur who with her team of four creates the video series Feminist Frequency — addressed possible responses to the online abuse women face from gamers, ex-boyfriends and other venomous sources.
You could also help your child brainstorm possible responses and evaluate their likely outcomes.
Mothers are requested to talk to him / her more often and he / she may make possible responses such as cooing, gurgling, and humming.
StateWatch Guru Mike Poulopoulos, who has more than a decade of experience at the Capitol, explains how the governor calls these sessions, outlines possible responses from the legislature, and forecasts the potential agenda for the extraordinary session in 2017.
The number of responses from all survey participants (n = 62) across all four categories of each awareness level (20 possible responses per category) shows that Literacy and Integration levels received the highest number of responses, 227 and 240, respectively (Figure 1).
They analyze their findings, and identify possible responses.
The first possible response is to provide public capital directly to the banks, which is what the Treasury did last year by purchasing newly issued preferred stock of banking institutions.
A special section on the impacts of the 2015/2016 El Nino episode to support contingency planning and possible response efforts is included.
Seven global vegetation models are used to analyze possible responses to future climate simulated by a range of general circulation models run under all four representative concentration pathway scenarios of changing concentrations of greenhouse gases.
Here seven GVMs are used to investigate possible responses of global natural terrestrial vegetation to a major new set of future climate and atmospheric CO2 projections generated as part of the fifth phase of the Coupled Model Intercomparison Project (CMIP5)(6), the primary climate modeling contribution to the latest Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change assessment.
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