Sentences with phrase «possible schools»

But local control should never trump individual rights — including the right of parents to access the best possible schools for their children.
Local districts hit back when state officials rolled out a list of possible schools for takeover.
He said few specifics are available about possible school closures under the new state - run district, since planning is in its early phases.
A failure to pass the expenditure without a budget in place would have effectively shut down state government; resulting in possible school and hospital closures, unpaid unemployment benefits and much more.
This knowledge will be important to evaluate possible schools your child may attend.
She and other board members wondered how the state would make sure that the eight schools that open each year are the best possible schools among however many apply.
To the extent that the state exam is a valid and reliable measure of student achievement, improved test scores indicate improved achievement; the two possible school responses appear one and the same.
The biggest difference between value - added estimates comes between models that ignore possible school effects and models that explicitly recognize them.
One of the greatest challenges associated with preventing possible school decline involves confronting dysfunctional beliefs.
«Adequate yearly progress» has been eliminated, along with the sanctions — including possible school closure — associated with it.
Incorporating School Garden Language into a School Wellness Policies by Wisconsin School Garden Initiative has specific examples of possible school garden language.
Fortunately, there are steps you can take as a parent to make the prospect less daunting - the key is to prepare your child both emotionally and physically so that they can have the best start possible this school year.
Stella: You will find my Blackberry, iPod Touch, VS lip gloss, Hand sanitizer, my camera, gum, and possible school junk.
In fact, I once worked with a CFO who argued that 400 was the lowest possible school enrollment.
Guidance for ensuring the safest possible school environments.
For decades, students and staff have drilled for possible school fires.
High grades bring rewards and low grades bring consequences, including possible school closure.Like CEOs answering to their boards, public school principals in New York City rise and fall with their bottom line: their students» test scores, graduation rates, and in high school, how many credits their students accumulate.
Wherever possible the school will seek to use holders of the Learning Outside the Classroom Quality Badge for which no providers» contract or other assurances are required.
While most schools will likely need to invest in additional informational texts, it is possible your school already has some of the materials it needs, or can investigate less - expensive resources such as primary sources, newspapers, magazines, and Internet - accessible text.
Families with young children in Parkland can expect possible school boundary changes to come over the next several years to make room for thousands of new families.
This report summarizes the child's background, pretreatment functioning, assessment results, response to treatment and makes recommendations for possible school accommodations and future therapy needs.
One can safely surmise that pro-Trump parents also want schools that are safe and disciplined, that have approachable and supportive teachers; dependable transportation, a decent collection of sports and other standard extracurriculars; and the confidence that their children are getting the best possible schooling for themselves, not being relegated to second best while more privileged — or politically protected — youngsters get a better shake.
based on these numbers, and linked grades to rewards and consequences, including possible school closure.
Despite the well - known limitations of standardized tests, federal officials insist test scores be used to rank and rate schools, students and teachers, and impose real - life consequences, including sanctions on schools and possible school closures, firing teachers and even decisions regarding student placement and graduation.
If you are going to list down the names of possible schools you want to enroll at, then research about their strategy of teaching and rate of passers in final examination.
«My mom [searched] often to find the best possible schools for me, so I was lucky to have gotten the best public schools Miami has to offer,» she said.
On Thursday, it was revealed that the FBI also was warned in September about a possible school shooting threat from a YouTube user with the same name as Cruz, according to a video blogger.
I do nt think it's anything harmful, however she is now thinking of incorporating it into her next bday party and a possible school project.
Cops: Mom bought guns The mother of a 14 - year - old who authorities say had a cache of guns and explosives in his bedroom for a possible school attack was charged Friday with buying her son three weapons in Norristown, Pa..
But without strong evidence that ours are the best of all possible schools, we should reject attempts to shift attention from efforts to improve schools.
Second round funding When announcing the 277 schools that will receive money through the second round of funding, Education Secretary Morgan said: «This announcement is a major step towards ensuring all children no matter what their background and no matter where they live have access to the best possible schools and learn in an environment that gives them the knowledge and skills to succeed in the global race.»
Long - term plan Education Secretary Morgan said: «This announcement is a major step towards ensuring all children no matter what their background and no matter where they live have access to the best possible schools and learn in an environment that gives them the knowledge and skills to succeed in the global race.»
«Ensuring all children have access to the best possible schools and facilities is just one part of our commitment to help young people reach their potential regardless of their background.
«One way to ensure more children attend the best possible school is to open more.
Mrs Morgan said the first four priorities for the Department for Education were around having the «best possible schools», which she said was being achieved through the free schools programme and other changes to school structures, and the «best possible workforce» through collaboration and development.
Results from a three - year evaluation of KSSN's pilot schools found that rates of chronic absenteeism (defined as missing between 10 and 20 percent of all possible school days) declined in half of the KSSN schools.
Students build Smart Wish Lists that include at least nine possible schools — three likely, three target, and three reach schools based on the likelihood of admission, historic graduation rates, financial aid packages and fit (i.e geography, major, cultural factors, etc).
«We certainly want to be the best possible school for our students,» Mauser said.
The site is highly focused on giving you possible schools near or within your area.
It's possible some schools could purchase a lower number iPads for a multi-classroom A / V cart of some sort, but Apple's one - iPad - for - every - student «Schoolwork» strategy won't be a realistic option for every Canadian school.
While this list does not include all possible school resume samples, it does provide an excellent start for creating an excellent resume.
Now, more than ever, our children are confronted almost daily with news of bomb threats or a possible school shooting.
From the attendance monitored at sessions at school and self reports to document meditations at home, which included 240 possible school and home meditation sessions, a determination of average compliance of the TM group for twice daily practice was calculated as 71.6 %.
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