Sentences with phrase «possible tariffs»

China on Wednesday issued a $ 50 billion list of U.S. goods including soybeans and aircraft for possible tariff hikes in an escalating technology dispute with Washington that companies worry could set back the global economic recovery.
Beijing has announced a $ 50 billion list of U.S. goods for possible tariff hikes in a spiraling technology dispute with Washington.
On Thursday evening, President Donald Trump announced he would consider levying an additional $ 100 billion in tariffs against China in response to possible tariffs on U.S. - made products such as soybeans.
The first step would be to select possible tariff items for elimination (my paper suggests a number of candidates), announce their potential abolition in the Canada Gazette and receive feedback from stakeholder groups.
U.S. services firms grew at a slower pace in April; companies report cost pressures from possible tariffs and a shortage of available workers
Yet speeches do not always represent outcomes and there remains considerable uncertainty over both future market access conditions and possible tariff settings if the UK also leaves the EU customs union.
And what kind of promise is guaranteeing the «lowest possible tariff» while he has done everything in his power to make electricity more expensive?
Chinese officials released a $ 50 billion sheet of American goods for possible tariff increases, including agricultural products — most importantly, soybeans — vital to the U.S. economy.
Figures revealed today by thinktank Demos show that Wales is among the regions most likely to lose out from Brexit and possible tariffs on British exports.
The move comes a day after China issued a $ 50 billion list of U.S. goods including soybeans and small aircraft for possible tariff hikes in an escalating and potentially damaging dispute.
Beijing has announced a $ 50 billion list of U.S. goods for possible tariff hikes in a spiraling technology dispute with Washington.
In the weeks following the publication of the possible tariff options, Chinese high - ranking officials have visited Washington to try to smooth over trade tension.
While strategists said the possible tariffs on steel and aluminum did not signal a full - blown trade war, they could have the effect of creating trade skirmishes that could accelerate.
Juncker specifically singled out Harley - Davidson motorcycles, bourbon whiskey, and blue jeans — all major American exports — for possible tariffs.
He said it was possible the tariffs would never come to pass and that the president was «ultimately a free trader» who «wants to solve this with the least amount of pain.»
The possible tariffs against China follow a report from Politico, in which Trump rejected a proposal by U.S. Trade Representative Robert Lighthizer that called for tariffs on $ 30 billion of Chinese imports.
In a decision opposed by solar industry groups, the U.S. International Trade Commission on Friday agreed that imports of cheap solar panels from China have caused injury to domestic manufacturers, setting up possible tariffs to be imposed on the overseas companies.
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