Sentences with phrase «possible variations»

Given the infinite number of possible variations of «green,» there's plenty of time for you to go bold and name a hue after yourself.
The number of possible variations in leather colour, materials and trim are seemingly endless.
And that no - deal would be the worst possible variation on this policy?
There are many possible variations in movement, but this 4 - way division of function will allow us to exploit a training program devoid of fluff and focusing on old school hard work.
The agency then lowers that dosage by a factor of 10 to account for possible variations in response between the most sensitive test animal and humans.
Including possible variations, though, the total number of different types could be as high as 250,000 to one million.
The second piece, called the systematic error, is not much more than a guess about other possible variations in the result.
All the basic features are complemented by various possible variations of the exercise.
These are the main kinds of controlled weight loss experiments you usually see, but there are endless possible variations.
It's recommended that group leaders discuss the coming day's plans and possible variations before setting out.
There are probably so many possible variations you'd never have to eat the same sandwich twice, unless you wanted to!
Teachers in grades 7 - 12 also need to account for any number of possible variations in a daily schedule.
If a non-US citizen wins a large prize, they will be responsible for some amount of tax, which in the end will probably be an amount similar to what a US citizen would pay, but there are so many possible variations with international tax codes that you'll need to consult with a local tax attorney if you need to know a precise amount of tax liability.
Of the infinite possible variations that could be imagined on this theme, Gillian Robespierre's romantic comedy Obvious Child — in which Jenny Slate plays an aspiring standup comic who gets pregnant after a one - night stand — has to be among the gentlest, most unassuming, least politically incendiary alternatives possible.
The best thing is to print a few tests before putting too much effort and commitment into the cover (keeping in mind that any single printing may suffer from possible variations, as 100 printed covers won't all look identical).
A tool like the Local Keyword Research tool can help you brainstorm possible variations.
1 Taking the thought in its naked absoluteness, not reflecting upon possible variations in the soul's preexistent state, we find this Greek conception recurring in both an older and more recent speculation: an eternal creation; an eternal procession from the Father; an eternal coming into being of the Deity; an eternal self - sacrifice; a past resurrection; a past judgment.
I try to include possible variations because I tend to receive many comments asking for «what can I replace ---- with?»
We're always short on prep time, since we're usually out enjoying the nice weather, so this quick salad is a nice idea... and there are many yummy possible variations as well.
Despite these vastly different time spans, their results agree with findings from the Lunar Laser Ranging Experiment that has been measuring the distance between Earth and the Moon since NASA's Apollo missions in the 1960s and has been able to monitor possible variations in G at very high precision.
However, no changes in radial velocity were detected between 1974 and 1984 to confirm possible variations found around 1920 (R. F. Griffin, 1984; and Beardsley et al, 1974).
With regards to the omni set you jus talked about I was wondering what possible variations of bodyweight exercises I could include in an omni set for biceps and triceps..
I think these pants are great loungewear basics, and there are tons of possible variations just by adjusting the leg width.
Certainly, in the process of preparation, we can instruct new teachers in how to recognize when students don't understand and how to identify their needs, but the numerous possible variations that underlie students» difficulties reduce the likelihood that new teachers will be experts from the start.
Morandi studied possible variations of composition meticulously, noting them down with marks and letters on the large sheets of paper that covered his worktable: the outlines overlap and intersect, creating an overall pattern that is as extraordinary as it is inadvertent.
As Siegel explains it, the second dragon has 125 squared possible variations to pull from, the third has 125 cubed variations, and so on.
With our selection of 30 + resume designs and 100.000 + possible variations, finding the right one can take some time.
I'm still a tad new to cooking, and was wondering if you might be able to give any suggestions on ways to punch up the flavor, or possible variations on this recipe?
The most highly precise clocks, however, cover a wide range of applications which range from geodesy (where they allow the direct and more accurate measurement of the gravitational potential of Earth), to the investigation of the «great questions» of modern physics (such as a unified theory of the fundamental interactions) by searching for possible variations in fundamental constants (e.g. the fine - structure constant) by comparing diverse clocks with each other.
Just adding in Harrie and Harri to Harry, and the number of boys with variations on that climbs to 7,740... and that is just a quick glance at the data without going through all 4647 boys names and adding in all the other possible variations in spelling that might be in there or all the Harry - whatevers.
The strength of «Another Earth» is that it employs that story to a larger purpose; this is no less than a meditation on the infinite possible variations that a human life can take.
There are so many possible variations for this - I'm already concocting recipes in my head!
With the versatility of chia seeds, the wide selection of non-dairy milks on the market, and the hundreds of possible variations of this treat, there's no end to the flavors that you can experiment with.
Search your intended name and possible variations, as well as slogans and terms you want to reserve.
Google's Search Query Report: This report shows any and every possible variation of Keywords that triggered your add and generated traffic.
It's just that, Shabbos rolling in every week Thank Gd, I look for all possible variations on the cholent theme.
Possible variations include adding 2 - 3 tablespoons tomato paste (whisk it into the butter - flour mixture before adding the rest of the seasonings) for more of a tomato flavor, or 1 - 2 teaspoons ground chipotle chili powder (just add along with the other spices) for a smokier flavor.
I guess I have just been far to distracted with all things Nutella, an abundance of chocolate recipes and all the possible variations of -LSB-...]
I can say with absolute certainty that will be making this recipe (in all its possible variations) for the rest of my life!
This sounds like a great recipe with many possible variations.
These would be much healthier and the possible variations to the ingredients make it too fun!
Activity: Friendship Bracelets Instructions The possible variations on friendship bracelets could keep your tween tying knots all summer, so stock up on hemp and beads and set them up with these step - by - step instructions.
The design is unique with three large bicycle types of wheels which are strong enough to withstand the possible variations that are experienced at a bit higher jogging speed.
The synthesis method developed in this work opens up possible variations, such as cross-linking or chemical functionalization (adding atoms or small molecules to the carbon nanothread that alter its function).

Phrases with «possible variations»

a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z