Sentences with phrase «post entitled»

I became somewhat infamous in the personal finance world with one of my first blog posts entitled Don't Pay Off Your Student Loans.
There's a very provocative blog post entitled «Your clients don't care where you went to law school».
or writing posts entitled «Why I'm Not Participating In Earth Hour.»
Morris Rosenthal on Kindle Sales Rankings: On another front, the guy who has done more than any other commentator to parse Amazon Sales Rankings and their meaning over the past decade, author and indie publisher Morris Rosenthal of Foner Books, has turned his attention very useful to the meaning of Kindle Store Sales Rankings in a recent post entitled How Many Kindle eBooks Are Selling Based On Amazon Sales Ranking.
You can read the guest blog post entitled How Do You Like Your Speculative Fiction?
Follow the Reader, an incredibly informative publishing blog, has been running a series of posts entitled Fine Arts of Marketing, Publicity + Advertising in which they discuss, well, book marketing, publicity and advertising.
Cyber-Dating Expert friend Cliff Lerner, the CEO of Are You Interested wrote an interesting piece in Huffington Post entitled, Why Facebook Graph Search Will Make Online Dating Cool.
In a piece for the Washington Post entitled «Why Chinese Mothers Are Superior,» Chua explains how her children were never allowed to attend a sleepover, have a play date, be in a school play, watch TV, choose any of their own extracurricular activities, get any grade less than an A, or play any instrument other than piano or violin.
In one of the coolest, most affirming series on the Web, Ed has invited women to share their experiences in ministry — the good, the bad, and the ugly — in a series of guest posts entitled Women in Ministry series.
Check out her blog posts entitled What is Homeopathy part 1 and part 2.
David Roberts at Grist has a really interesting post entitled «The gobsmackingly gargantuan challenge of shifting to clean energy.»
In a previous post entitled Worldwide Glacier Retreat, we highlighted the results of a study by J. Oerlemans, who compiled glacier data from around the world and used them to estimate temperature change over the last ~ 400 years.
In a blog post entitled Improving Our Brand Safety Controls the managing director of Google U.K. writes (emphasis mine):
Tim Knight's Slaw posting entitled Deep Learning Algorithms and the «Machine Learning Revolution» talks about this partnership and links to a fascinating TEDx chat by Jeremy Howard entitled «The wonderful and terrifying implications of computers that can learn.»
«There were forty pages of screened comments on the post by the time I logged on this morning,» he said in a LiveJournal post entitled «Thanks.»
Fitting your story into the wider trends and problems different players are seeing and trying to solve will increase your chances of attracting media attention, a sentiment echoed by TechCrunch editor Mike Butcher in his controversial post entitled «The Press Release is Dead; Use This Instead.»
Henry Blodget started it with a long Business Insider post entitled «Sorry, Apple Fans, Amazon Is Sucking The Profit Out Of iPads — iPhones Next?»
Because my first post on VentureBlog was on March 5, 2003 (a pithy little post entitled «I'm a VC.
Author Frank Viola joined the rally with a fantastic post entitled «Rethinking Christian Unity»
Now she has graced us with an obnoxious post entitled 7 Step Recipe for Creating an Autistic Child:
Christina LeBeau of Spoonfed recently published a thought - provoking post entitled, «Orthorexia vs. chocolate milk: Will the real eating disorder please stand up?»
-LSB-...] For more details on foam rolling or to see examples of some great techniques, check out NASM's blog post entitled Foam Rolling - Applying the Technique of Self - Myofascial Release.
Cream Cheese and Pesto Christmas Mold In a recent post entitled Easy Yet Elegant Holiday Snacks I showed you how to make this Cream Cheese and Pesto Christmas Mold as part of a larger blog post.
Here I also shared a super fun post entitled Fake It, Don't Bake It where a few of us shared several great ways to dress up a store bought dish for stress free holiday hosting!
She wrote a super helpful post entitled «Top Tips For Shopping Vintage.»
I even created a follow - up post entitled 101 Creative Date Nights on Dime to further help you brainstorm what date nights you might include in your 12 months.
Today they acted on their threat and in a dark web post entitled Times Up.
Thanks to the work of the Roosh V Forum's Indian Race Troll, the subject of brown men and interracial dating has come under a lot of scrutiny.My fellow brown writer bojangles wrote an excellent post entitled «6 Things Indian Guys Have To Understand When Learning Game» where the first point and perhaps most critical point he made was that...
readers learned in a recent post entitled Malloy nominates charter school corporate officer to Connecticut State Board of Education, Andrea Comer worked for Charter School Management company, Achievement First, Inc., a company co-founded by Connecticut Education Commissioner Stefan Pryor, from 2009 to 2011 and started with Fuse / Jumoke Academy in 2012.
Kassia Kroszer refers to a similar issue in her Booksquare post entitled «Bea 2009: A Bit of Deja Vu All Over Again» in which she wonders exactly how many times a BEA book blogger panel will discuss how bloggers can work with publishers.
In a recent post entitled Breaking Down the Query Letter on his Guide to Literary Agents Editor's Blog, Chuck Sambuchino concisely describes a simple 3 - paragraph formula authors can follow for crafting query letter to agents.
Her blog is designed to help other indie authors through the maze of publishing, including a new series of posts entitled Hitting the # 1 spot on Amazon: A Killer Plan or Lady Luck?
BookBaby recently published a blog post entitled Promote Your Book on a Budget: 20 Thrifty Ways to Get Your Writing Out There.
For more information about Zylkene, you can read my blog post entitled Zylkene: A Nutraceutical To Calm Anxious Pets.
I also took part in a collaborative post entitled The Best Cities for Street Art — Chosen by Travel Bloggers.
Matador Network recently included us in a great post entitled «These 7 Families Will Change How You Think About Taking Your Kids on the Road.»
Rockstar have closed out their 10 - screenshot bonanza of GTA V information with the following four screenshots, ensconced within a Newswire Post entitled «Business.»
Today we bring you a From the DS Archives post entitled «I love you Jet Li.»
In a recent post entitled Tiny House Living: the Ultimate Un-Making Project?
More recently, Ron attended the IBM - hosted World of Watson, and generated two live blog posts entitled Cognitive Computing in Perspective, Transforming Industries, and IBM CEO Gini Rometty on IBM Watson.
She had written an outstanding post entitled «Dealing with Comments about Attawapiskat».
Most recently, Indian Kanoon was the topic of Dr. Sinha's VoxPopuLII post entitled «Indian Kanoon:... [more]
As I reported in a July 8, 2007 Library Boy post entitled Ontario E-Laws Now Presumed Authentic for Court, E-Laws will (eventually) be considered an official statement of Ontario law, although an item in the FAQ on the E-Laws site adds that this will come into effect via a regulation that has not yet been passed.
In a recent post entitled Justice at your library?
Ann Cavoukian — the Ontario Privacy Commissioner — has written an excellent op - ed in the Financial Post entitled Beware of «Surveillance by Design».
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